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Trump responds to Hitler comparison


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Canada vote Bernie Sanders

Sanders is an honest and intelligent candidate. America needs some of his conclusions. However he's old, male and white. He's too radical on some issues. America is not ready to un-demonize socialism. He won't get passed the congress. Other than that, I'd shout: hell yeah!

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I genuinely like Trump. He says it like it is, and he wasn't even a politician before all this. I feel like the whole GOP is scared if he gets the nomination because he calls out everybody on everything. Besides that, I think he'd be a good negotiator and commander in chief. People say he will lead us to WW3, but I don't see how name-calling (Since that's all he does) would lead us into WW3. Congress is still there to sort shit out, and congress is the only one that can declare war. He'd be a good president in my mind. I think he's gonna wipe the floor when he get's the nomination, and really start getting specific.

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as a canuck north of the 49th, and looking from the outside...


trump isnt politically savvy and he tends to make comments that alienate people. doesn't think much before he opens his yap. leaders are meant to unite, not segregate.


sure he doesn't mince words and he tells it like it is, but he will make more enemies than allies in doing so and in today's fkd up world, do we really need another leader of a powerhouse nation (china and russia also) to create friction across the globe? he'd probably tell north korea to shove their nukes where the sun don't shine (probably not as nice as that either) and the next thing you know ww3 is here.


im not an american and i don't envy the US if he gets elected as pres. he might be a tough speaker on the podium and can gather mega votes because people are desperate for a change, but i pity the american public if he gets in the white house... unless he can get someone to write all his speeches.


but then again, there really isn't a hell of a lot to choose from.

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L3ftY. So true..keeping in mined some other cultures take insults very badly and will over-react with dire conceqences.. Destabilizing the region they are in..if we alienate our contacts within other cultures we will cause them to withdraw as we have done

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