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Star Wars Battlefront Has No Chat System

Night Hunter

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EA has confirmed that Star Wars Battlefront will not offer its own in-game chat system on consoles or PC.


A tweet from the official EA Star Wars account said the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of Battlefront will use the "PlayStation 4 and Xbox One built-in party system for in-game chat." Meanwhile, DICE has instructed PC players to "choose your favorite third-party software to communicate with friends on PC."
There are a variety of solid VoIP options for PC players, including a built-in voice chat system on Origin. Console players who want to chat, on the other hand, will need to join a party. Strategy and communication for Battlefront's 40-player Walker Assault mode is particularly important, especially on the Rebel side.
We have followed up with Electronic Arts in an attempt to get more details. We'll update this post with anything we hear back.
Battlefront's beta ended today, October 13. Through six days of availability, more than 9 million people played it across all platforms, making it the largest beta in EA's history.
EA has also announced that Battlefront is getting at least four expansions through its $50 DLC pass. In addition, DICE recently took the lid off three brand new multiplayer modes, including the 7v1 Hero Hunt.
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There's more money in consoles than PC.


It's easier to make a game that runs flawlessly on a console than it is to have to rework it to run on 100's of different PC setups. Less production costs and parents usually don't have a damn clue about PC gaming anyway.


So much easier for parents to buy a game that's guaranteed to work on the system the kid has, rather than needing to know specs etc. Also less cost for the parent short term. $400 for a console and 50-70 for games than can be traded in for other games. PC you buy the game you're stuck with it.


PC and Console are two separate entities. Pretty much Mac Vs PC in the gaming world. We're going to keep getting screwed no matter what. I mean.. we still pay top dollar for games on release without getting disks, box art or anything else. I guess companies like ripping off PC users for digital downloads.


I'm disappointed there's no chat in game. I played the PS4 beta and it was fun, but f***ing sucked at the same time without the ability to coordinate. But I'm also not surprised. DICE, Treyarch, EA, Activision, Splash Damage- These guys are f***ing idiots when it comes to PC gaming. They've all changed the formula. It used to be one time buys, awesome mod options, player created matchmaking via personal servers, and now we get auto-matchmaking, day one season passes, microtransactions, no modding, no servers etc.


PC FPS gaming is f***ing dead.

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