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Real Life!


First name: Jonathan

Any sort of Nickname?: Lievens, Jona


What country are you from?: Belgium

Are you a Parent?: Nope

How many siblings do you have?: 1

What's your shoe size?: 42

What do you do for a living?: Still studying

Greatest Fear?: Diving in the ocean

Most Exciting thing you've ever done?: Skydiving

Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: (Don't be shy!) pooping in a bar because the toilet was too expensive and i was quiet drunk

First thing you look for in a new friend?: high sense of humor

Farthest you've been from home?: Don't really know, Egypt i think

What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?: ET FA 1, because I see you have a lot of fun on the server



Cat or Dog?: dog

What are your hobbies?: Football

What kind of Sports do you like?: Basketball, football and Tour de France

What's your favorite color?: Blue

How about your favorite type of music?: RnB, Hip hop

Favorite Song?: Or Nah, Beautiful

What's your favorite TV show?:

What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Comedy, Action

Favorite Movie?: I liked Ted a lot

Favorite Book?: I don't read

What do you like most about yourself?: Right foot

What do you hate most about yourself?: Left foot

What makes you very happy?: happy peopla

What makes you very sad?: sad, dark people

What's your favorite beverage?: 

What you're favorite food/snack?: JUPILER

Favorite actor/Actress?: Di Caprio or Depp

Favorite season? Why?: Summer ( vacantions )

Favorite subject in school?: Sport

Favorite thing to learn about?: Economics

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Rio de Janeiro



What are your top three games of all time?: COD FIFA ET

Besides shooters, what is your favorite genre of gaming?: Football

Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about: something with dogs

How many games do you own?: about 100 or something

Do you play console?: PS4

What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): PS4

What's your favorite internet site (That is not FA ;P): YouTube

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Hello guys :D 




Welcome to forum.

I was thinking how you can own like 100 games?

i have only 2, Enemy territory and demo version of mineraft

I have +- 30 games for my ps3, 11 games for ps4, some gameboy/psp games for at school  :D  and some pc games like COD's , ET, LOL, Team Fortress etc :) make it 80 or 90 :) 

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Hello, Jonathan. Nice to meet you, welcome here!  :cheers


any topics I HAVE TO participate? or can I choose?

Nothing is required; enjoy and participate in whatever suits you. :)

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Hello, Jonathan. Nice to meet you, welcome here!  :cheers


Nothing is required; enjoy and participate in whatever suits you.  :)

Ok perfect, because I'm not good with software etc so I can't participate with such topics :)

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