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Bison attacks woman taking selfie with it

Night Hunter

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There is no limit to the imagination of the selfie-taker.


Wait, that's not actually true. Selfie-takers imagine that every object -- animate or not -- wants to be included in their egotistical memento.


What they don't imagine is that, say, animals aren't necessarily keen.


My evidence is an Associated Press report on Wednesday announcing a 43-year-old Mississippi woman's attempts to take a selfie with a bison in Yellowstone National Park.


It seems that the woman may have come a little too close -- within about six yards -- and turned her back on the beast. It attacked her and her daughter. Even though they ran, the bison did too and tossed her head over heels with its head.


She was taken to a nearby clinic, the AP reported, but wasn't seriously hurt.


I have contacted the Yellowstone authorities to ask for guidance on this matter and will update, should I hear. However, a park spokeswoman told the AP: "The (woman) said they knew they were doing something wrong but thought it was OK because other people were nearby."


The logic in that sentence seems to lack, well, sufficient logic. The spokeswoman added that people were coming far too close to the animals. Yellowstone warns people to stay at least 25 yards away from large animals -- including bison, elk and moose, and 100 yards away from bears and wolves.


Of course, this bison wasn't the first animal to be subjected to the modern scourge of the selfie-obsessed. In New York, for example, they've introduced a bill to prevent people from taking selfies with tigers.


The Russian government recently issued a guidebook that suggested that people really shouldn't take selfies with wild animals. (It also suggested people shouldn't take selfies on top of trains.)


Some people, though, cannot help themselves. Or, rather, they think they will always help themselves by taking pictures of themselves with anything they see.


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LOL Stupid women. Would never go near bison. Thanks for gentle reminder. Going to YSNP on 29th :)

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