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et legacy 2.72 has been released


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anyone else tried it? what do you think?


i just started using it tonight and it has all the things that made et:l great, like a simple installer, autodetection of etkey, easy minimizing, autodetection of resolution, etc. i imagine most of the new stuff wouldn't be noticed by the untrained eye, since the project seems to be focused on cleaning up the code and optimizing it for newer systems. 


overall if you haven't tried it i'd recommend giving it a shot and share what you think in this thread. :)

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Yup I use it and stay on their irc channel to keep up to date on what is going on, I always trying to get lua updates. ^^

It feels a lot smoother with the mouse, kind of hard to get used to at first.


And the minimizer is really useful for me because the minimizers for et currently lag me after I come back to game.

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It still shuts off for me mysteriously during Jaymod 2.2.0 on Mac OS X 10.10.1, but the older version 2.71rc4 works fine on Jaymod 2.2.0. The developers have finally said that it wasn't meant for Jaymod on OS X and were surprised that I even got in for 10seconds before sudden vm create ui crash crap.


:(:wacko:  But ya Etlegacy is great.

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It still shuts off for me mysteriously during Jaymod 2.2.0 on Mac OS X 10.10.1, but the older version 2.71rc4 works fine on Jaymod 2.2.0. The developers have finally said that it wasn't meant for Jaymod on OS X and were surprised that I even got in for 10seconds before sudden vm create ui crash crap.


:(:wacko:  But ya Etlegacy is great.


wierd, i hope osx support gets better in upcoming releases. at least 2.71 still works for you. :)

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Yup I use it and stay on their irc channel to keep up to date on what is going on, I always trying to get lua updates. ^^


It feels a lot smoother with the mouse, kind of hard to get used to at first.


And the minimizer is really useful for me because the minimizers for et currently lag me after I come back to game.


i don't notice the mouse smoothness since my fps is so low :( maybe when i build a better pc. where's their irc channel? i'd like to check it out.

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#etlegacy on irc.freenode.net

I have a pretty bad computer, I still get pretty bad fps when there is smoke are a lot of things on the screen, but overall I would say there is an improvement.

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