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Natural Selection 2


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Natural Selection 2:



I am looking forward to this game for a majority of reasons. Back in 2002, a group of individuals made a Half life 1 mod called Natural Selection. It was called the "STARCRAFT FPS". They actually took the models from starcraft and developed them into 3d models for alien units with similar attacks and abillities. It was recieved quite well by critics and even won 7 award's for best mod of the year. Some calling it "the best aliens vs marines FPS combat system in history".


Since then they had great plans for a stand alone game called Natural Selection 2 but for newbie developers funding was impossible to come by. Trying to make your mark in the video game world was a brutal struggle. They struggled because of a lack of funds and no one to invest in their future creation. The founders of unknownworlds (the guys who made the game), had to result in making a short game to fund the project called Zen of Sudoku (2006). It was a make or break type situation where if this did not go successful the studio would go bankrupt. Thankfully it became a big success and the funds started to roll in.


During the earlier years many people put down donations to the studio and the community itself helped formulate the artwork, ideas and provide assistance for its development including map creation. This was not a studio production but rather a joint production with the people in the community itself. As a big fan of the first mod and of the live updates and footage that they show from their workplace, I wanted to just promote the game on our forums =).




The release date will be fall 2010. It is currently in the pre-alpha phase (and will be hitting pre-beta soon). The preorder and the price of the game will be $19.99. For a new game, this is relatively cheap and I can guarentee its money well spent =P.






Combat is intense. Aliens are capable of cloaking, seeing through walls, run at 200% speed, run up walls/ceilings and evolving into different units. Each unit has up to 5 unique attacks. Marines are capable of 2 armor upgrades (jetpack or mech), and are capable of resupplying with medpacks + ammo when under 30% hp or 0 ammo and using motion detection to locate moving uncloaked enemies. There are 8 weapons to choose from. Both races can build structures anywhere on the map. The structures help harvest resources which can be used to upgrade weapons or morph. There are offensive and defensive structures also (like siege turrets and healing scourge). It is a very well balance FPS game with RTS elements. The objective of the game is for the aliens to destroy the marines command chair and for marines to destroy the hive structure.



Lol their low budget trailer.



Newbie alpha footage that was given permission to be released by Unknownworlds (this guy lags recording. When an official beta vid comes out I will post it).



Developer content:


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What you can do in 15-20 mins is really amazing. I think the spark editor is an amazing tool for map creation. This is me playing around with the map tools


Room Designs:




Templates added on:




3d models and props:




Dynamic lighting and shadows is and easy setup with this tool:




Wall and Model Specular !!:





Quick color editing =D:



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This and Starcraft 2 are gonna consume my life :D


Is it avaliable for pre-order now?

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This and Starcraft 2 are gonna consume my life :D


Is it avaliable for pre-order now?


Ya it is. I ordered mine already. You don't have to order it for preorder if you don't want though. It comes out fall 2009 and when it is released, it will also be $19.99. It also will be released on XBOX 360 (but you can't preorder the xbox 360 version). Preordering will only give you early access to map and mod creation tools and beta when it comes out.

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look nice... too bad I can't play it cuz i know my self very well, and if i had game like this it will be with his others game DVD sleeping waiting if someone will ever use them :embrass

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  • 3 weeks later...

TEST ENGINE IS OUT NOW. If you want to see how the game will look and perform, download the NS2 Spark Engine Sample Test !!





I also just learned that spark engine was done in C++ but the entire Natural Selection 2 game was done in Lua (yes Lua lol !)



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  • 2 years later...

I am updating this thread because the game has finally been released on Steam.


Price: $24.99


The first 50,000 people to add to cart will get the game free.




Add me on steam if you would like to play it.


Just search for Onionknight with the picture of the red robot on steam =P

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  • 1 year later...

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