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Steam Queue: What is Defiance?

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Type: 3rd Person Sci-Fi Shooter / MMO
Dev/Publisher: Trion Worlds
Steam price: $29.99  FREE to play w/Paid DLC 
Lowest Price: FREE to play w/Paid DLC
Bundled: Never
Pros: Multiple weapons, a variety of build choices, good shooting fun. Driving is a blast. Ark falls are pretty fun.
Cons: Gets a little stale without friends. Repetitive gameplay. Terrible AI. Expensive cash shop.
Recommended?: For a weekend shooter possibly. It's free, so why not?

Defiance is a Science Fiction-themed persistent world mmo third person shooter developed by Trion Worlds. Defiance takes place on a terraformed Earth several decades into the future. It is a tie-in to the Syfy show of the same name. The game was released on April 2, 2013, for Microsoft Windows, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. It was also released on Steam. The game went free to play on 4 June 2014 for PC and is scheduled to do the same 15 July 2014 for PS3 and Xbox 360.


The game takes place in the San Francisco Bay Area, 15 years after the devastating Pale Wars between Earth and a loose alliance of extraterrestrial races known as Votanis Collective. The Votans came to Earth seeking a new home after the destruction of their solar system, unaware that the planet was already inhabited. Friction between the new arrivals and Humanity led to war, during which the Votan's terrforming technology was unleashed. The Earth's surface was drastically altered as a result, introducing radical changes in topography, the extinction of plant and animal species, and the emergence of new species. Afterward, Humans and Votans were forced to live together. Player characters are enlisted as "Ark Hunters" by industrialist Karl Von Bach to search the Bay Area for advanced and expensive alien technology. Players also take part in side missions to earn cash or challenges in which they compete with other Ark Hunters.

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I was looking at this game last night. When you say MMO, how is that different the MMORPG? And would you recommend this game for someone playing on Wifi. I'd imagine with spotty internet and this being an "online" game that you would want a strong connection.

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Unlike most MMORPGs Defiance is more active in targeting. It relies more on skill than hotkey buttons. There is no form of 'auto attack' and having good aim is very beneficial in killing enemies. I.E. Headshots do more damage than body shots on humanoids. Some enemies have very specific weak spots. This plays more like a third person shooter than a traditional MMO in terms of gameplay. There are a lot of group events though.


As for connection, I've played a lot of games over wifi. Wifi is fine as long as you're not so far from the source that you drop connection a lot. With Defiance you should be fine.

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