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Silent#1 - Activate Flamethrower self-damage?


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I agree with Maximo, (i see this request with mixed feelings)


- The flamer already does damage to the person (the dmg is weaker than on other servers but it is there. Example stand against another player and fire the flamer, you will get dmg)

- There is just a hand full of maps where the flamer is useful

- Both teams have a flamer which balances it out

- Silent runs incredible smooth and successful. Why change what people are used to.


I have mixing feelings. Would be a good idea inflict damage to flamers but they are like pandas, almost extint in game. Only few maps really worth play as flamer like supplydepot, beerrun, etc. Other hand, the run like crazy flaming the room without any regret.


Also, many times medics can survive to the flamers, making me think i would be nice increase a bit the flame damage, but at the same time, inflict some damage to users. I dont know id this last is possible but those are my thoughts.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Same on nq3 selfdamage is way to low for a flamer. flamer only hurts himself badly when he points the flame directly towards the ground. And if you set a room on fire your not gonna flame the ground ,but they swing the flame from left to right offcourse :D

There are a lot of maps in witch the objective is in a small area. room/hallway/stairway etc. Try to get into those areas without being burned or killed immediatly. if the flame doesnt kill you in 3 seconds,then the "after" burning will.

And the flamer self just survives easily,and can stay at the objective waiting for the new victim :(

The fact that both teams have a flamer doesnt balance it if you ask me. The attacking flamer has a lot more barriers to take (enemies offcourse/arty/ longer run to the objective) before he can even use the flamer with succes!

The defending flamer is close at the objective after spawning and just goes into the room etc and wait for enemies to come in.Thats a huge advantage i think.

I totally agree with Sumiko. make the damage just as high as when you stand to close to your own nade/satchel/panzashot.  Strange that 1 flamer can control and defend the objective for a very long time without dying.

To make a long boring story short :wacko:  plzzzzzzzzz selfdamage for flamers higher. +1 :lol:


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