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update on pow map


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Heres an update on my pow map



tank -- working need to adjust the roll and stuff

truck --working same as tank and it's the covered truck which didn't have tags, but lol i fixed that so no it works, is damageable/constructable, can be blocked by the tank


terrain about 85 % done


have three towers at the pow cam two with mg's by the gate, the tank destroys one of these and the mg with it, also tank latter destroys the gate


tank barrier that can also be used to block the truck, can block either one


forward bunker that forces capture when the tank is stolen but has a capture flag aswel


neutral cp that builds an ammo heath cab and small aux spawn, working need to do the surrounding area on it, (available to both teams)


have a short tunnel entrance under water to the pow camp


two pow capture obj , mostly working need to fine tune the texture and decide if i want more and where to put them



the overall layout is similar to supply depot3 but with some variations. flatter and slightly larger, have some tunnels one underwater near the allied first spawn


also plan to add time to the map as stages are complete, ie 10 min to start, 10 more after capture of the tank, 10 more after destroying the prison gate with the tank or something along those lines




the yellow is access ramps to the forward bunker


thick green is tunnel from first spawn to bunker for allies / underwater, may make it drainable


thin green is the spline path for tank and truck


orange is tunnel to camp area bypasses some mountain stuff


blue is underwater access to the camp


also have 4 arty shields in place around the spawns, will make those removable via scripting


not bad for a week and a half of work :yahoo


you can see the tank and truck in the upper right corner thats just a non-accessable holding area to keep things clean on the map but use them for scale if you want, the map is roughly 6000 game units square




and a screen shot(just above the tank/truck barrier) so far with no vis portal date in the bsp(draws everything) the map runs above 250 fps in all areas on my comp




the camp shows the truck and pows, untextured at the moment and placed in easy location to test, but fully working, the ones in the truck are red need to figure out the transparency for models yet, these equate to the placeholders for raydar/gold in other maps

Edited by GlasShadow
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here are the three pow states, standing , sitting and transparent red // stole the texture off the gold bars took a bit of digging to find it


these are fully working capture obj // just need a carry flag instead of the ! and the command map icon otherwise they work as you can see - i had to actually capture one of them and bring him to the truck

Edited by GlasShadow
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Do you know when the map might be finished? like an estimated date? :thanks



hopefully ill have enough done to get an alpha test pk3 set up(in a few weeks), proly wont have the bot support done for that ... as that will take a wile to do by itself and id like to get some feedback before doing all the waypointing and then have to change stuff, also kind of depends on my college schedule and how much time i have, one other thing is that i usually run out of entities at some point, you only get 256, and those are things like doors and obj stuff, so that kind of determines how much stuff i can put in the map for obj and construction type stuff, but most of the main hurdles are done the tank was easy with a prefab but the truck i had to piece together from the goldrush map and edit the model so that took about 3 days by itself and i also need to set the roll and pitch on the tank and truck but might wait on that tell i get some feedback as well because those depend on the terrain and if i change the elevations and whatnot all/or part of that work is wasted, but id be more then happy to let people take a look at it when i get most of the essential things done an let me know what they think


also just managed to take the default head from wolf et and swap that with the osa model's head that im using for the pows and now i have a pow that looks like the allied medic, or any default player character




and field ops


Edited by GlasShadow
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allies first spawn/ basically complete



flooded tunnel






pump to drain tunnel complete



area that floods when the tunnel is drained



bunker floor 1



bunker floor 2



bunker floor 3 and spawn location



truck exit



360 from above location



cp/spawn/ammo/health cave



looking back at the forward bunker



first shot by tank, disabling one of the tower mg's and messing it up



second shot by tank taking out the prison gate



great shot, got the tank and truck both by one airstrike, and good fps to boot with both of those models, and all the pow's in the truck


I think that's enough for now, most of the map is at a good stage, have only a bit more lighting to do and then some basic bot support and I will have an early beta


at the moment i don't plan to add door's to the forward bunker, like big garage doors and some team doors, or to the camp tunnel entrance, also i can latter add another way through the fence in the pow camp if needed but don't plan to right now. feel free to post your thoughts.

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