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i play in FA TMD server and rex55 is saying i don't have skill and i just run and spray gun so i want to play against him and tomato. 2vs1 battle or i'll take all FA member at once



i like FA server but don't f*** with me if i'm not doing anything ok

f*** u rex55 and tomato

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who ever is the f*cking leader of this f*cking clan

tell ur f*cking clan mate to shut up if they can't stand on their own

just like rexx55


F.U.C.K - Y.O.U aLL F|A

you all suck balls ,i'll kill you all in your server loosers




if rexx55 and tomato don't want to play against me then

why don't all F|A coward play against me is that fair f*ckers?

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Well hello there fernandez. Personally Ive never seen you on the servers and Im on there quite a bit. But judging by your post I'd say your probly 12....14 at the most. Heres the important thing to keep in mind about COD4 and our servers....ITS A GAME. Meant to be enjoyable, good player or not.


And if you're going to insult someone please form proper sentences so we can understand. Proper punctuaction and so forth would also be a big help. On a few side notes, cursing is a sign of ignorance as it shows your lack of vocabulary and its "losers" not loosers.

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ender i'm the one who get insult by rex55

i'm just playing and he says i suck and spraying guns and sh*t

if he didn't says anything i'm not gonna post any sh*t here


Or you just learn to suck it up. If you think you're better than him, what does it matter if he says you suck.


Your hostile reaction to such a pathetically minor incidient almost screams insecurity at your own ability. Or your immaturity. Either way it doesn't look good on you.

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I think i remeber this guy from a while back but i cant say i have seen him on recently, i remeber rex going after this guy for swearing, spamming and just being a bad player. i also recall the whole "YA BRING IT ON, I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU" attitude. We need to clean people like this out.

Edited by deathfromabo
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wow lol this shows immaturity at its best point. if you just wanna argue and spam our servers with stuff like F____ =F|A= than i think you shouldnt play in our server. if someone is really bothering you that bad just beat him in the next round and laugh to yourself. there is no reason to escilate things when nothing really bad happened. now you look like the bad guy because you came to the forums with an attitude and immaturity over something that didnt matter.

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ender i'm the one who get insult by rex55

i'm just playing and he says i suck and spraying guns and sh*t

if he didn't says anything i'm not gonna post any sh*t here



me e-penis is bigger than yours...in fact, mine's about to tap you on the shoulder

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I remember this one time when I was online, and some random guy I didn't know insulted me! It was the single worst experiance of my entire life! Now I'm all emo and cut myself just to see if I can still feel.

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