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Best fight scenes I have seen in a while....

Ol Smoke

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a great fight scene in the movie Ip Man.  Ip Man was Bruce Lee's teacher of Wing Chun kung fu.  This movie is about Ip Man during the time the Japanese occupied China during WWII.  The fight scene is when Ip Man takes on ten Japanese soldiers in their sparring arena.  I don't have a clip of it, but the movie is on netflix.

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There is a great fight scene in the movie Ip Man.  Ip Man was Bruce Lee's teacher of Wing Chun kung fu.  This movie is about Ip Man during the time the Japanese occupied China during WWII.  The fight scene is when Ip Man takes on ten Japanese soldiers in their sparring arena.  I don't have a clip of it, but the movie is on netflix.


Donnie Yen is just an impressive martial artist. The opening scene in Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1456661/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_15) is probably in my top 10 movie scenes ever. I was in awe during the entire sequence. The movie was on Netflix until recently, but I guess they took it off. If you get the chance to watch it, I highly recommend it.

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Writing the name down now...  Right now on Netflix are all of the Ip Man movies.  They're pretty good.  Another older movie that had some good fight scenes in it was The Big Brawl with Jackie Chan.  I love his acrobatics with fighting.  When I was a kid I tried to jump through a ladder like Jackie Chan does in the movie.  I never tried it again.  Once was good enough to know that the usefulness of jumping through a ladder skill did not out weigh the pain threshold of not doing it right.   G o o d  T i m e s .... 

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Fight scene in the house between Brad and Angelina in Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

I know it's not intense or realistic... but funny as hell if you are or were married!!

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