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limit on the grenade launchers?


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Completly agreed with Raider! And since any1 (mostly som non-skilled players) wants his rifflenade (it wasnt the case few times ago) iv noticed a huge increase off the number of TKs on HCserver its becomin like a normal thing - lotto rnade wher thers no ennemy but your tmates then say "SORRY" somtimz not and do it again and agian....

Or at least reduce the number of rifflenades in some maps im thinkin about Adlernest-Braundorf-TCBase-SpecialDelivery-BeerRun-... (little maps)!

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I agree on limiting the number of rifle nades allowed per team I don't think limiting the nades themselves will solve the problem as ammo is not really hard to come by most of the time and people would most likely just /kill to refill their nades. I agree with Raiders! assessment on the other things that need fixing as well for hardcore with the addition that meds self healing could be limited as well it is infuriating watching a med completely ignore downed teammates to self rambo heal.  I think making these changes would make hardcore feel more hardcore.

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Seems like you've got a good thing going on at the Hardcore server. I wouldn't mess with it. There's something to be said for a server that's as well populated as this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  I can say, at times, the nade spam is a little over the top. The engies could be limited on rifles rather than nades, even if it's for certain maps with tight choke points. Maybe the number of rnaders can be limited by the number of players, maybe a percentage like with meds. That way as more come on, more rifles become available.

  The medic self healing isn't so much of a problem because there are usually at least 6 meds at any given time.

I will normally wait for a rambo med to die to get his packs and while I'm at it I'll get the rambo med that killed him too. If not I can always respawn as a fop and the medic now all of a sudden needs you :P.

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