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Gold rush swap.


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This idea is for server Jaymod 1 and the map is Gold Rush:


I'm usually playing on Jay1 and with a 25V25 full server with gold rush there are a few places that have most of the action on the map. The point where allies have to steal the tank in the start of the map, then at the end where they try to steal the gold. Givin the fact that once allies switch spawn with axis and mortors get set up there is uaually only two exits that are safe to exit spawn which is the back way around the bank. With so many people trying to rush out and defend the obj, I was wondering if it was possible to switch out the original Gold rush map, with the Super Gold Rush.


My reason for this request is there are multiple passages that allow axis and allies to spread the action out around the map instead of the classic one way rush with the tank. More ways to be sneaky and much more to think about especially with a full server. As much fun as Gold rush is, It would be nice to see how fun Super Gold Rush is with a full server.



This is just an idea I had and I'm curios what you think about it, possitive or negative.


Thanks guys








http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/Super_Goldrush;33411 -------MAP D/L

http://www.filefront.com/3750517/supergoldrush_final.zip# -----Overview in written form of whats different, added, and modified.



I would post a link from youtube showing a preview of the map, but it has recruitment messages inside so i am holding back.

Edited by {THC}Ginger420
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