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Catching hackers


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I've been playing your server for 4 days now and already racked up 12 hours playtime on it, and just wanted to give suggestions to some other players on how to spot a wallhacker or aimbotter (even those who are good at using them) Because I was spectating a few games and noticed a lot of them which the admins seemed to have not picked up on.


1. The first one is the aimbot, it's pretty simple to recognise these if the player is a complete moron, ie letting the aimbot dictate the mouse movement fully letting it jump all over the screen. The 'better' aimbotters (these are usually the ones going for weapon challenges) will aim roughly in the vicinity of the head/torso, and then the mouse will jump. While this is harder to notice, there'll be a recurring pattern that if you watch them over several kills, the crosshair will almost always jump to the same point. On top of this they'll occasionally hit it too early meaning a bigger mouse jump.


2. Checking your corners. This one is more to do with wallhacks than aimbots. Any good cod player will know to check the corners either side of a door when he enters the room, however, with wallhackers you'll notice they will only do this when there is a person there. If they are slightly smarter and suspect a spectator is watching them, they made do it once or twice randomly to throw the spectator, but not nearly as much as they would if they were doing it properly.


3. Through the wall shots. This one is easy but comes with a warning. If they blatantly shoot you through a wall when you aren't visible, most likely they're wallhacking. HOWEVER, I got called out 4 times today for this reason even though I had someone spectating me at the time. Make sure when you think you are "invisible" behind a wall that the top of your helmet/gun barrel/Back isn't slightly sticking out, it doesnt take a genius to use these to guess you're behind a wall and even figure out where your head will be. If you really think they are wallhacking, spec them first.


4. Instinct corner shots, this one is where the hacker seemingly has the reflexes of a god, taking the shot the second a player is around a corner. If you are running towards a corner gun raised and someone comes round, your reflexes will be much quicker. This corner shot usually happens when the hacker has a wide map view, they'll track the person along the wall (Sometimes even so blatantly as with their gun) and then once they round the corner, shoot them instantly. Then they move onto a different corner.


I'll add this when I think of more hints, but this was just to help anyone who wants to help the server :D


Oh btw, anyone who plays on a high res screen will be able to relate to this. Just because you're on the other side of the map, doesn't mean your helmet isn't visible, that doesn't make them instantly a hacker, it just means they have a good monitor or great eyesight.

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Thanks Coffee for the post. 


I have noticed that when specing someone that a lot of times I see enemy players that they never see and wonder why are they not shooting them.  This may be becaue I have a wider screen or higher res on mine, but the same can be said of me.  I had a really good player specing me one time and he kept asking why I wasn't seeing the person that shot me.  I've noticed that sometimes I can pull off quick shots that I shock myself with and then other times I can just never can out draw the other guy. It could all be realted to weapon set up as it seems the sub guns and pistols allow for quicker draw and speed.  As for the across the field shots, I agree in that if i see the top of a helment in a place that isn't normal then I shoot.  Sometimes I've shot at stuff that wasn't a player, just a shadow.  I do always fear others will accuse me of wall hackimg because a lot of times if I suspect someone may be behind a wall, I'll fire a couple of shots there to see and if I get the hit X then I continue for the kill without ever seeing the person.  It isn't hacking of course it is just guessing at common hiding spots. The shooting prioer to coming around the corner does make me question some players as I try to creep a lot to limit sound and I wonder from time to time how is it someone shot me through the corner before i ever even rounded it.  All I see are the bullet tracers coming through the corner and me getting killed.  It is not often but has happened.  I never did anythng about it because it wasn't a re-occuring event and I did watch for it.

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I think also that the more you play the game the more you remember the map and notice even when the smallest thing is out of place like a helmet. As for just shooting at walls, I find most of the time I do that is when I see bullets entering or exiting the windows of a building which kinda gives it away.


The shooting as soon as someone comes round a corner is sometimes really easy to tell, however, sometimes people are just very focused on the corner, a really good way to tell is to get a friend to go prone and creep round (works really well on the corner on vacant outside where the low wall is) if they get immediately shot/it looks like the person knew they'd go prone then it's a big giveaway.

Edited by Coffee
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I have also noticed this today with one player but was not sure. Sometimes players are experienced and shoot rooms because they think people are there or just spray walls :P. Anyway i think it is hard to spot wallhackers, but with your tips i hope we catch them :thumbsup:party

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In a case like that though you can usually tell if they spray the same room every time, or know their way around the maps (hugging close to walls, not running accross the centre, aiming at popular camping spots even when noone is there)

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Thanks for this post, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for these things. Still, people always love to call people hackers whenever they do well.


I think this is because in a game full of pretty unexceptional people, when you see someone doing really well it's your first reaction, I'm no different, I've not publically called them a cheater but I have spectated them for a bit just to check

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Funny, I must be in the minority who thinks our admins do a damn fine job busting cheaters on their own. They busted you after all.


Save your pro tips and your BS sob story about a second hand CD-Key for your youtube audience daconcerror. It falls on deaf ears here.

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