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Smoke's thought for the day...

Ol Smoke

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Here is something to think about.


Your whole being as to who you are going to be; your personality, your traits, your speech, your intelligence, is all set by the time you reach

your third birthday.


Did you know that women can't love two men at the same time. She must stop loving the first man, before she can love the second.


But men, can love, truly love, several women at the same time, without any problem at all. It's when all those women meet each other,


that the real trouble begins.

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Here is something to think about.


Your whole being as to who you are going to be; your personality, your traits, your speech, your intelligence, is all set by the time you reach

your third birthday.


Wow, that's actually pretty amazing..

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Here is something to think about.


Your whole being as to who you are going to be; your personality, your traits, your speech, your intelligence, is all set by the time you reach

your third birthday.



braincrash.... nice one btw

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Here is something that will make you think...


In the Bible, in the book of the Revelation, it talks about a great rock coming from space and hitting the Earth. The rock is called "Wormwood". It is an asteroid. It is so big that it destroys

1/3 of the earth.


In Australia, there is an observatory, who's only task is to find near earth objects in space. Asteroids and comets. When they began the project they named it "Wormwood".


Just saying.

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Remember this...


You are never more than one mistake away from prison.

funny u put this if im not active on here from tomorrow or few days after I may be there had some fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkdddddddddddddddd up news heads everywhere
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