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Call Of Duty 4 Still The Best?


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the new ones are a disgrace, cod4 is the very last decent cod game. It is smooth and simple, not over-complicated like the new ones.


I think that CoD MW2 was a good game as well... Very nice maps, more weapons and more killstreaks. But MW3 is really bad!

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I still buy every new Call Of Duty games and have fun with old ones as well. Like many players, we enjoy new CoD games even if they arent old school so please, instead of "New cod is sh*t" , how about "I dont like the new cod" (pretty sure most of people hate them without trying them).


I got tons of fun so far in Black Ops 2, same as MW3, Black Ops and MW2 when they came out.


And probably gonna have fun when MW4 gonna come out as well.

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Well said Magoo! Some people these days need to learn respect. I love COD4, but I still enjoy playing the new ones, new maps, new gun, new Killstreaks. All of it. I love it!


The newer games are garbage according to many... Including me

It's my bloody right to call the new COD utterly shit, because they are (again in my opinion).


So for what do you have to have respect? A company selling the same thing every year for full price + a billion dlc, well mappacks... ( Blops 2 cost between 60-130euro...)

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Tough call.


For ease of play- it's one of the better games. Simple to play, simple maps- but it gets boring after a bit. As for Storyline... I find the story for MW a little bland. It's not as enthralling as MW2 or Blops. TO me, out of the new games, BLOPS+BLOPS2 have the best single player stories. I got really into Blops 1 story. (Never got to play MP, because it was pirated >_>) It was really good and had a nifty twist.


I just got Op2 and have played it very little. So far, the single player is great. Story wise it's easy to follow, THANKFULLY ties up loose ends from the first game, and has some pretty um.. disturbing scenes. Stuff that jsut makes you think.


Multiplayer is different. I find it a little sluggish at first, but I think this is because the MP is done by a different company than the guys that did CoD4. I LOVE the idea that you can really customize your classes in this game, with a bit more options than in #4. Some weapons feel a little more balanced, but then there are some SMG's that piss me off. However, again, I'm new to the BO2 MP, so that may change with time.


For now CoD4 is better, but that may change once I get a handle on BO2's style of play.


Also. BO2 came with zombies and that's just awesome. ^.^

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Sin is definitely right in some points! Map making and storyline are just awesome in both Black Ops games!


I also played the pirated Singleplayer of Black Ops and now bought number 2. Ireally enjoy zombies, the new maps, weapons and Score streaks but i hate them for DLCs!!!

I hav to pay 100€ to get all content which is included in this game and that is making me really angry!

Some years ago I could buy a game for 30€ and got all new content for free!


It is really sad that they want to make so much money out of a game and don´t want to give the player a nice gaming experience without him spending as much money for three games, that he could use

for an XBox.


I don´t say everything was better back then, because graphics and also gameplay got much better, but it hate greedy game developers!

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I like CoD4 because it's about gunplay. MW2 was all about killstreaks. You take your famas or 1887's, get 3 or 5 kills, then sit back and call down all kinds of nonsense. The random death factor of MW2 was absurd. The newer CoDs have lots of stuff I like (tons of weapon attachments) but I want a shooter that's primarily about shooting. In the later CoDs most deaths are from killstreaks. I won't say the new games are crap (although some were handled terribly. VAC? Please.) but they are not true shooters.

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Well I've played COD1, COD2, COD4, and MW2. In my opinion, COD4 is by far the best. It could be argued that people just spam and it takes no skill, but for me it's the most fun when I'm playing in a 3v3 or 5v5 environment. Believe me skill shows with those odds. Speaking of matchups, we should setup another game night (but this time actually have people play!).

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