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I've stopped playing because I keep dieing due to bad fps. I used to be able to record and play, but ever since game update 2, my fps has been going downhill, and every hotfix/ maintainance after that where they bring in new shit seems to make it just worst. In combat, i'm getting like 7 fps , making it hard to not die - and I hate the new bullshit where after you kill someone, they keep shooting and can still get a vengance kill on you. And then they fixed that vehicles stop moving as soon as you get out :( I liked that you had to slow down before you got out, and ifyou just jumped out moving 90 miles an hour, your car was gonna roll away from you - was more realistic. And an invisible flash - which only infilitrators can use... cause the smg didn't make them overpowered  enough and what's with making a perk that only 1 class can use.. aaah rant rant rant - the game has gone downhill for me since mid feburary so i'm hoping these will get fixed by summer.


Anyways, I have a waterson tr character with 3.5k certs and a woodman tr character with 6.5k certs. I will be sticking to tr cause I don't wish to play with stupidly low recoil or stupidly high recoil, and  although the vanu vehicles are good, I don't want my character to look like a spandex fishhead whislt I play.

But if we can decide a server to play on, and everyone plays on TR, then I don't mind deleting  my last character on matherson and joining up on whatever the decided server is. Cause it would be nice to kick some ass with you guys and show planetside how we be doing.



Game has been launched too soon and my fps are going up (almost able to maintain my 60 fps => dual 660ti/i7 3770k :P)

Perks for once class: Of course you have to cert into a role you want to play (for me I cert in engi and heavy : engi for my mos and heavy for ground combat) and as soon BBQ maxes come available I will be using those.


SMG really felt worthless to me (just like the whole infiltrator class without bolt action XD), they might have buffed them.


Vengeance kill I don't know about :o. Haven't played in 3 weeks or so now, but never read it in the update. That serious sound like BS ala last stand or I'm I getting it wrong?


Anyway, my characters are on Ceres, Connery (and Cobalt => this one I can delete).


On Ceres is my main, but low BR because I tend to stick in a piloting role where I escort Libs ^^


So I can join whatever server you guys are on (with all my guns, don't use certs for guns :P)

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The invisible perk is for the flash - makes the whole vehicle invisible... but only infiltrators can use it - so the vehicle perk is useless for every other class...
and you get them putting grenade launchers on their flashes, then spamming 6 shots at you, going invisible, reloading, and then coming out of invisibility and repeating the process - and cause you can get a flash like every minute or 2 if you put a few hundred certs into it, I think it's just OP. and then when you manage to hit them, they jump off, go invisible and hide, and then jump you with the smg with like 50 rounds in a clip.... If it's too OP to give to other classes, why is it not OP for that class? They should have made it so that you can't reload whilst invisible so that they would have to drive out of my fire range to reload (if their 6 rpgs didn't kill me - instead of invisible, reload and then bam another 6 grenades in my face)

What I mean by vengeance kill isn't like last stand - it's if you kill them and they are shooting, they keep shooting for like 1 more second (like they got finger on trigger whilst dead), so if they are aiming at you (which most people are during a firefight) - and you kill them - their dead body will probably be able to do like 3 bars of damage (depending on weapon, God forbid he has a shotgun) - I’m not sure if it's a bug or a feature tbh, but I reported it a while ago and I don't see it in changelog, but it is damn annoying cause I like my target to see me when I kill him, rather than shoot from behind and run away - it's just not the same fps feel if your shooting people and they're not shooting back at you - so taking extra damage after you kill someone is just bs.

I don't think bbq max will be a good idea to use - high damage close quarters, no damage long range - and the max is already slow at moving - and cause of max's hp and size - they attract a lot of fire to themselves - so I expect people will run away and pick it off at range. (cause if you couldn't then it would be OP) + I 'm not sure how friendly fire will work with that one - I think your teammates will probably annoy you more than the enemy cause they will keep getting in your fire range. So it's a good idea - but I think putting 2 infantry guns on the max is better than 2 flame throwers cause of the range. And I think the flames will give away your position too - but let's wait and see. Oh and I predict flames will be another fps drop :S

What shield do you use for your heavy? Cause most people don't know this but certed adrenaline shield is the best imo- cause you can get 20% or 25% shield back per kill, after 1 kill if you put like 1.5k or 2k certs into it, - so that works out to you getting like 10% or 12.5% hp (worth of shield) back every kill (I think) - so much better than resist shield and nmg shield (providing you can actually kill 2 people) I like to use that and I certed the resurrection needle or whatever it's called that slowly heals you back to full hp (for my utility slot) So I have 3 or 4 of those, and can get long killing sprees with the extra shield and then camp in a corner and get my health back up before getting into a firefight again.

And yeah, smg was worthless for pretty much every class other than infiltrator - cause they had the automatic rifle which had 20 rounds a clip, whereas everyone else started with 40 rounds a clip

Have they made it so that the guns you buy change servers with you? - cause last time I played, if you changed server, your guns didn't follow you and you had to start from scratch.

I don't mind starting up on ceres if you can't move your guns about, but tbh I’d prefer Miller, cause if you look at the stats - miller has less characters but more time played - so you will get more xp and more certs per minute on miller as there are more people to kill - and as you can see there's more xp per character on miller which works out to be more certs per character.. - I found on woodman that come dinner time the server started to empty (well TR did anyways) and you'd end up with like a couple squads dominating indar and leaving you with little resource production - but this was a while ago and might have been cause TR had a very low population there - I remember some nights we were like 20 or 25% - which is why I started playing watterson from dinner time.


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You know BBQ maxes were in the game during beta? And you realises scattermaxes are already 1 shot killers at close range and they are terrible OP :(. BBQ maxes are just like any other maxes designed for specific use. Just like I love my dual burster max :P


BBQ maxes will obvious not be use in open field, but biolabs and towers will be perfect for them (like they were in beta ^^)


Vengeance kill sounds like BS to me and it's most likely a  bug(will ask luperza when I play next time with her ^^)


Yeah, weapon do transfer over to other servers if you bought them with sc (you even get a GIANT cert boost if you bought dual weapons, they really messed that compensation up. Some people got like 35k certs or more...)


Dude a flash being op :s Those things blow up in 1 hit... And invisible is still pretty visible when moving and I mean if you just saw 6 nades flying to ya, you should have an idea where it's coming from. Great things to race in VR though.


You never tried the invisible lib bug? Well, that was OP ^^


Wait, people playing indar only... What a surprise, said nobody ever.

XP don't care about. Got my guns I want and certs will come. I got my ESF pretty much rigged and I'm in that like 90%  of the time^^


I still haven't started certing in my shield for my heavy. Call me nuts, but I actually don't need my shield that often (that chaingun just murders ^^)

So I'm running with the default one and med thingie which instantly heal you back up.

That together with the decimator (dam I love my decimator).

Or now I'm considering getting the singleshot weapon for heavy/engi (forgot the name ^^)

Edited by DrJoske
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aah, I didn't see the bbq maxes in the beta, so i dunno how they will be, but yeah, i agree they will be good for towers and biolabs - just will be very bad everywhere else.- so I prefer to spend my certs on something I will play with more - like do your shields and then do your max - cause you will use heavy more than max - and if you pwning wtith no shields, imagine how you gonna be when you do get shields :)


can you explain what you mean by the cert boost, and the compensation - cause I noticed that I bought a 50% cert boost and 50% resource boost bonus, but after I used it - I was just getting normal %, so they're paying people back in certs? cause i'm owed a shit load if they are :D

but if it's for dual weapons then i'm not following :P


most of the time, the nades kill me... and the bastards always seem to get away - it's like the noob tube of planetside, except now they can go invisible whilst reloading too...



I'm a 4/10 esf pilot, (so in 10 dog fights, i'll get owned 6 times - i'm just learning how to do the barrel roll turn so I can turn around and say hello to the idiot lighting up my ass - cause that's how I normally die, - you will have to teach me :P

and cause I don't like to get owned 6 out of 10 times, I just don't really fly - more xp for me on the ground :)


what is your esf setup for air to air? I'm a big fan of scout radar, cause it means I can see those buggers on the radar, and the antilockon one, wich also means that I don't show up on the enemy radar unless they spot me :ninja.


as for my lib - it's default guns - they are effective aginast ground troops - but too boring for me, cause you end up just circling the enemy doing nothign whilst your gunner shoots, and then when something exciting like a couple esf's chase you or the ground troops have a rocket launcher -then you end up running back to your warpgate to get ammo and health - which is the most exciting thing for the pilot, so libs are too boring for me imo, and i'm no bug abuser :P


Having said that I am an ace galaxy pilot, can drop a package within like 20 metres whilst under fire - had a lot f practice of this on woodman and watterson, I love rolling in low on the crown and having their AA guns try shoot me and then pullup and drop some maxes and infiltrators on their heads.hot drops are definitley my favourite part of the game (but they need organization :S - so you end up waiting like 5 minutes for a couple idiots  who you end up kicking out of the platoon and leaving without anyways.


And yeah, I mean playing on indar only - we'd have like 25% indar population and  <30% world population and vs and nc would still team up against us (in the evenings, and i towuld get worse towards night time - but maybe cause everyone is going bed XD)


ps. o.O 'you have posted more emoticons than this community allows :cry




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A2A setup


- Rotary (also AMAZING against turrets strange enough, might been a bug and fixed)

  Rocketpods (lockons only work well against other esf, will only use them when escorting a lib/gal. Rocketpods are amazing against libs/gals.

  Stealth (you need that for those dam lockons)


  Hover chassis/Dogfighter chassis => depends on how the way you are fighting (dogfighting is obvious, hover is awesome for those really tight turns)

  (but speed chassis can be used on the mos too, considering you are the fastest ESF around. Used to be able to just boost out of lockon with after burner)


All night vision (or infra red) not sure, the green one. Except rocketpods those are zoom.


ps. if you got an ESF on your ass you deserve to die. My deaths by ESF is maybe 25% of total deaths in ESF.

My record is keeping a borrowed ESF alive for well over 4h (on amerish with low pop that is)


Bacon camo (aka zebra , looks like bacon on TR vehicles ^^)


You got like 2k certs for every weapon you bought double and had to keep the weapon. Also the weapons bought in a bundle counted, so people really boosted right into end game with this system. Making the level up system utterly pointless IMO.


Yeah lib flying is an unrewarding job, luckily I most of the time am the bomber for an ACE pilot (you know those who manage to bring ESF in range of the mortar :P)


Galaxies I haven't fly one since beta ^^


I wish more people played on amerish, it's an amazing map. It's by far my favorite one ^^

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  • 4 months later...

Well the game is now free to play! Downloadable through steam. Im in.

The game was always free to play. :P

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