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My performance sucks!


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Well, after fruitless hours spent trawling the web, I've determined my ET performance SUCKS.


I've got very high speed dsl internet, and yet my ping refuses to go below 100. My computer, though rather awful, surpasses the requirements of this admittedly archaic game, and yet my fps refuses to go above 30 while playing, and regularly drops to 20 if I look into open areas, even on small maps. Of course, all my graphical settings are as looooow as they can go.


I don't run anything in the background while I play, either.


I read somewhere, your goal for fps should be around 70, and if your computer blows, at least 45. Mine at least, easily reaches 45, if I'm spectating... otherwise, like I said, it's 20-30.


One thing, I do play at a screen resolution of 1024*768; my monitor is rather enormous so anything lower looks like a pile of dog crap. :(


My computer's specs: (Please refrain from cringing in disgust)


intel celeron 2.4ghz

windows xp pro

1.25 gb ram

geforce fx 5200 video card


Requirements, according to wikipedia:

600 MHz CPU

128 MB RAM

32 MB OpenGL graphics card



Dare already made me a nice .cfg a while back with pretty much everything turned off from shadows to particles, and my r_picmip is 3.


So basically, I'm wondering, is there anything in particular I could be missing w/ my connection and computer? It doesn't seem right that my fps is so low all the time... or is my computer that bad? Do I really, badly need to play in 800*600?


Sorry for that long winded, whiny post, but thanks for reading it!



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I have heard somewhere that 5200 was legal hardware wall hack with right settings.. lol


But back to the point:

The more resolution you have the more graphics power you need.


I suggest lower down resolution and use 120 fov.


More or less with low end processor you are going no where. I am sure with that specs even your ram would be ddr instead of ddr2.


intel celeron 2.4ghz

geforce fx 5200 video card


The only thing you can do is use my config and see how much fps you can get.

r_mode 4 will give you better performance over 6.


Also, you have stable ping. Good connection is needed for stable ping but the number of ping depends on how much far/close you are to the server.

Your FPS will suck more if you play on 50+ slot server because you need to render tons of things although sometimes you don't see it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

playing at 800x600 should help..


i wonder if you have had better FPS in the past? or have you been playing ET long enough to have noticed? about a year ago my video card was near crapping out on me due to heat death, and unexplainable low FPS in ET was one of the things that first tipped me off. not too long after my FPS started dropping, other more graphics heavy games like Tiger Woods Golf started crashing my video card altogether.. you may be in the market for a new card. maybe not, but it's a possibility.


make sure you have latest nvidia drivers, and look for the free ntune software from nvidia - it can monitor your video card temperature. If the card is overheating it would explain your FPS -- you might try playing something that really maxes out the card and see if it crashes. at any rate if you're sure that everything graphical in the game is as low as you can set it, i'd start suspecting hardware.


like dare said you can't do anything about ping other than move closer to the server.

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Cool, I'll look into my gfx card, but what's strange is that my computer can run more graphic heavy games with ease; I just bought Guild Wars and that runs at a meager, but very stable, 15 fps, and I own Neverwinter Nights, and it runs just fine too. (Although it slows down if I play it too long, from what I've read it seems to be memory leakage problems)


I wouldn't mind ET running at an fps that's not great, say, 20, but it just won't stay stable. I've done the com_maxfps and tried most things I've read about, but without much effect. It still fluctuates a lot...


Ah well, if I can't find a solution, I guess everyone else is just in luck, because I won't be pwning them hard with my Ub3r 1337 H@rd//@r3. Shame.


But I'm already looking online for some new hardware, so if, say, a few hundred dollars randomly fall into my empty pocket, I can pick up a decent processor!

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