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Appeals court to rule on California's Prop 8


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A federal appeals court ruled against California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage Tuesday, arguing the ban unconstitutionally singles out gays and lesbians for discrimination.


In a split decision, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found the state's Proposition 8 "works a meaningful harm to gays and lesbians" by denying their right to civil marriage in violation of the 14th Amendment.


"Very soon, Proposition 8 will be gone forever," said Kristin Perry, one of two women who challenged the ban in federal courts along with a male same-sex couple. "Today marks the culmination of what has been a transformational year."




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To be honest, I am suprised it took this long to appeal the descision. California has always been the "outcast" state and they have always done their own thing pretty much. Either way its good that this has been changed and that people have the right to live their life and marry who they choose.

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This is stupid. Why should anyone care about who marries who! If it isnt effecting you then why make a big deal about it. You marry whomever you want and let others marry whomever they want....

I just cant understand WHY its illegal? Why people care?

I dont care if bob wants to marry Jim. I say go for it if it makes them happy. Probably last longer than a female and male marriage lasts these days anyway

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Always thought it was bullshit. Further studies revealed that the Mormon Church bought the vote on prop 8.


I'm calling bullshit on this unless you can provide some examples of the Mormon Church bringing in people from out of state to vote. They had money tied up, just like every other church in Cali did at the time. Only they have alot more of it.


To be honest, I am suprised it took this long to appeal the descision. California has always been the "outcast" state and they have always done their own thing pretty much. Either way its good that this has been changed and that people have the right to live their life and marry who they choose.

This is stupid. Why should anyone care about who marries who! If it isnt effecting you then why make a big deal about it. You marry whomever you want and let others marry whomever they want....

I just cant understand WHY its illegal? Why people care?

I dont care if bob wants to marry Jim. I say go for it if it makes them happy. Probably last longer than a female and male marriage lasts these days anyway


I think you guys missed the point of what happened here. Regardless of which way you swing on the issue, the prop was passed by the citizens of California and the 9th circuit court in California went against the will of the people. Even if had been the other way around and the people voted against Prop 8 and the 9th decided to overturn it..I'd have just as big of an problem with it.


Another problem I see is the 9th circuit court didn't rule against Prop 8 nessicarily, they just passed the buck onto the Supreme court. This article in Forbes does a pretty good job summing up the decision http://www.forbes.co.../?feed=rss_home

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Reguardless of position, if you are saying it was wrong for the court to go against the peoples will, I in turn say it was wrong for the peoples will to be unconstitutional in the first place to deny any 2 people the right to a marriage certificate. This is what was passed which I would assume is for the time being until the Supreme Court makes a descision on the case.

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Lol, call bullshit if you like.


That right there is a treasure trove unto itself, although none of it really comes as a surprise if you read up on the religion.

Yeah, they had a lot more money. They shake down their members for it, or else tell them they aren't going to get into the highest level of heaven.


You can spout the 'oh the ppl voted this in' argument. People can be wrong though. People have let other injustices pass as well, only to renege and regret those decisions.

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It shouldn't be something that needs to be "voted" in or out. Because it shouldn't be an issue in the first place. That's my point. What 2 consensual adults want to do and who they want to be with should be nobody elses business besides the 2 involved,

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