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Hey FA community. I wanted to share my opinion with you guys about the republican GOP candidate Ron Paul. If you guys take the time to do any research or watch any of the videos on my link, you will be quick to notice that Ron Paul is the only man running for office who truely still stands for our constitution and our liberties. War in the middle east only causes more war and violence. The Fed does nothing but manipulate interest rates and cash flow, causing the collapse of the dollar. The government is becoming ever increasingly more infringant upon our unalienable rights. Back the government out of our lives. Leave most of the power to the states vs federal. Be peaceful and negotiate and trade with other countries. Return the power to control the economy, to the economy, instead of a small group of men sitting around some table somewhere. Most of all though, elect Ron Paul as president in 2012. Don't forget to vote in your state primaries because no GOP nomination = Ron Paul doesn't get to run. Thanks for your time guys.

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Defeat teh Nude Whirled Odor!! Vote Ron Paul 2012!!1 Visualize whirled peas!!1





Hey FA community. I wanted to share my opinion with you guys about the republican GOP candidate Ron Paul. If you guys take the time to do any research or watch any of the videos on my link, you will be quick to notice that Ron Paul is the only man running for office who truely still stands for our constitution and our liberties. War in the middle east only causes more war and violence. The Fed does nothing but manipulate interest rates and cash flow, causing the collapse of the dollar. The government is becoming ever increasingly more infringant upon our unalienable rights. Back the government out of our lives. Leave most of the power to the states vs federal. Be peaceful and negotiate and trade with other countries. Return the power to control the economy, to the economy, instead of a small group of men sitting around some table somewhere. Most of all though, elect Ron Paul as president in 2012. Don't forget to vote in your state primaries because no GOP nomination = Ron Paul doesn't get to run. Thanks for your time guys.


I think I love you...


Well, (@crash) I'm sorry if you were offended by my views or something. I'm not trying to force it down anyone's throat. I just believe in what I said. Ron Paul is clearly the underdog in this election, but he's not far behind. So, any little bit of coverage could help. haha. @burst, thanks for the love.

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Yes give the keys back to the Republicans so they can rape the country for another 8 years.


Joe, Ron Paul is not your typical Republican. Have you looked at his views and stances on issues and policies? At heart, Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Some might even consider him an Anarcho-Capitalist, but the only one who truly knows...is Ron Paul and he's about the last of the honest and consistent politicians in Washington.

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Joe, Ron Paul is not your typical Republican. Have you looked at his views and stances on issues and policies? At heart, Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Some might even consider him an Anarcho-Capitalist, but the only one who truly knows...is Ron Paul and he's about the last of the honest and consistent politicians in Washington.


Of all the Republicans in the 2012 campaign, he's the least insane.


...Just kidding, he's batshit insane too.


I am interested to know now your insight on his views and political positions. Will you enlighten us my friend?


Why is he insane? because he's not afraid to cut the budget where it's needed? because he wants to bring troops home not only in war torn areas but from all bases worldwide? because he knows the Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional institution which has been held up by unjust taxes and printing money? Where is he insane? He stands up with more credibility than any other candidate and he gets the most support from American troops than any other Presidential candidate combined.


Honestly, it doesn't matter whom the Americans choose to run against Obama. They will lose.



Why is he insane? because he's not afraid to cut the budget where it's needed? because he wants to bring troops home not only in war torn areas but from all bases worldwide? because he knows the Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional institution which has been held up by unjust taxes and printing money? Where is he insane? He stands up with more credibility than any other candidate and he gets the most support from American troops than any other Presidential candidate combined.

1st Point:

Making $500 billion in cuts will not balance a 1.1 trillion dollar deficit, much less pay back the $14 trillion in debt we have racked up. He says he plans on eliminating income taxes. That's great, but what is that going to do to the deficit? If we abolish the IRS & income tax, that means the government is going to have to get it by other means. Instead of taking taxes from a fair amount based on how much people make, the gov't is going to increase sales tax. In simpler terms, he wants to benefit the rich.


2nd Point: I agree with this point, the architects of the war completely misjudged the cost and extend of the adventure. Like everyone, I am concerned with the US military making a presence in the world.


3rd Point: Much of the opposition to the Fed comes from a basic misunderstanding of how it operates and essentially certain libertarians (like Ron Paul) like the idea of going back to the 19th century and stuff gold bricks under us every time it seems the banks are going to be on the run. Yes, those bankstahs are plotting in the fedquarter everyday on how to put your children into debt slavery!


4rd Point: He has become a frontrunner; I blame the faltering campaigns of Cain and Perry.


He wants to end our UN membership. The wolrd hates us enough as it is, and he wants to further isolate our country? How may he accomplish this you ask? By borrowing Bush's strategy of implementing fears. He ultimately blames the UN for getting us into Iraq. As far as I know, we attacked Iraq before the UN even decided if should of attacked.


He wants school led prayers and believes neither the federal government or state government should intervene. Jesus for our national mascot?


He proposed 1 trillion in cuts, not 500 billion. Yes, the national debt and overall debt is extremely out of control but you have to begin tackling it somehow even it means starting small or somewhere miniscule. If we abolish the IRS and income tax, we remove a croney department and an unconstitutional tax. The income tax does not go to benefiting anyone, it simply goes into the pockets of the bankers. He doesn't benefit the rich, he promotes free trade...rather than stealing Americans money and declaring war on the world, we should be trading. More free trade and less bureaucracy would mean more individual civil liberties for all, better economy, better growing business, better technology and no wars or bloodshed.


Whether or not the Fed follows regulations, one...it's still something that was signed into law illegally. Two, Keynesian economics has proven time and time again that it does not sustain itself and that empires collapse. If you just print paper out of thin air and having nothing backing it up then what do you have? Useless paper. Gold and Silver have always had value since the dawn of time. If you trust your money in the bank, then that it your decision and your right even though you're wrong.


He has become a frontrunner because many Americans have woken up to the lies, games and deceptions of past administrations and because of the internet.


The world hates us because we try to police it and because we borrow so much debt. Isolating ourselves at this point doesn't hurt us, why should we just delve deeper into overseas conflicts, even the least trivial ones. However you may view the UN, it's safe to say their mission of "upholding world peace" has failed, even a nine year old girl could tell you that..just watch Penn and Teller.


I've never heard him say anything about school led prayers. Paul is an upholder of the Constitution and it clearly states that we have the freedom of religion and that there is a thing called separation between Church and State.


Of course Ron Paul wouldn't turn the world into the land of milk and honey within just his administration or plans but we've tried the other ways countless times over and over and over again, when will it be time for true change, a true revolution?


I seriously hope you are not a socialist, for your sake at least. If not, who do you support or what do you have to propose?

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You can pass as many laws as you like, create as many departments as you like but it won't make anyone safer or better because remember one thing...Criminals don't follow laws, that is why they are criminals.


Well, (@crash) I'm sorry if you were offended by my views or something. I'm not trying to force it down anyone's throat. I just believe in what I said. Ron Paul is clearly the underdog in this election, but he's not far behind. So, any little bit of coverage could help. haha. @burst, thanks for the love.


I have to interject again, but you are shoving it down our throats because it's in the announcements section, whereas it could be in spam or lounge. Even then this thread shouldn't exist. (Like I said previously.)

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I seriously hope you are not a socialist, for your sake at least. If not, who do you support or what do you have to propose?

Part of democracy, and the political process is respecting your opponents and their views. Even the ones you do not like. Can someone please lock this thread. This guy has gone from political advertising to bashing anyone who doesn't agree with his views, and certainly is not doing his Party's movement any justice.

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