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Gigantic baby ‘Jihad’ born in Berlin


Doctors were left astounded after a gigantic baby set a new record for Germany’s heaviest-ever naturally born newborn Friday. The boy was named Jihad.




The 6-kilogramme (13-pound) boy was born at Berlin’s Charité hospital to a 40-year-old, 240-kilogramme (528-pound) woman who also had gestational diabetes and most likely a metabolic disorder, according to doctors.

Women suffering from untreated gestational diabetes – when a pregnant woman who doesn’t previously suffer from diabetes has excessively high blood sugar – tend to produce particularly overweight babies.

Such newborns are often delivered via caesarean section because they can suffer from oxygen deficiency or shoulder dislocations during birth.

But in this case the mother opted for a vaginal birth, which lasted seven hours and luckily went off without a hitch.

“She insisted on a vaginal birth despite the very high risk,” said Wolfgang Henrich, the chief doctor at Charité’s obstetrics clinic. “We usually advise mothers carrying a child with an estimated weight of more than 4.5 kilos to opt for a caesarean section to avoid complications.”

The boy will join nine brothers and four sisters – four of which had birth weights of more than five kilograms.

The woman claimed she didn’t know of her diabetes, but doctors believe she was aware and ate too much sweet food.

A normal birth weight is about 3.5 kilos. Babies over four kilos – about one in ten in Germany – are generally considered to be overweight and run higher risks of diabetes and obesity later in life.

But the new Berlin boy is far from the biggest baby ever. An Indonesian woman gave birth to an 8.7-kilo child in 2009, and one Canadian baby born in 1879 weighed in at 10.8 kilos, although he died shortly after birth.






My nephew is born in July and had 5.6 kilogram (12.32 pounds). Even then the doctors were concerned about the birth. The parents of him are both quite tall but not fat, so it was rather unexpected to have such a big baby. Luckily everything went good :)


Humans are evolving to be a much heavier species


Our brains are growing smaller, though.

But that's a good thing.


It is true. our brains are smaller than the earlier hominids are.

Erhm no. The homo habilis had around 650 cm³, the homo erectus had around 650 to 1250 cm³ and the homo sapiens has around 1100 to 1800 cm³. The intelligence of all animals (I am including humans in that too) is measured by the EQ ("Enzephalisierungsquotient" in german, don't know the technical term in english^^) which measures the mass of the brain in comparison of the body. The bigger the brain in comparison with the body the higher the EQ the higher the intelligence.


Happy *in'



My source is "The Ancestor's Tale" by Richard Dawkins, just in case someone is wondering :P

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