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All of a sudden when I log on to play COD4 after about 30sec or so my computer just shuts off completly. It only does it when I am playing COD4. It does not do it when checking email or in forums. Any ideas on what the problem is? Thanks Abs.

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Does it crash on other games too?



Measuring the temperature is nice, but you need to test it during load (i.e., gaming), otherwise it's just plain useless.

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I think it was my Norton that had things screwed up. It was trying to download updates but could not for some reason. I think that and the game caused the crash. Thanks to all your help.


This is not the first time I've heard of Norton screwing up a PC. This happened to my father's laptop a couple months ago, and made it completely inoperable until Norton was removed, and then it worked fine. :-/

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When it comes to anti-virus software, Norton is the lazy Wal-Mart greeter of the security world. It might tell you something is happening but won't actually do much to stop it aside from cause confusion and cause far more problems than it solves. Be careful about looking for other anti-virus software though. You CANNOT run two different anti-virus programs on your machine. Once the second is installed, the two will spend all their time and all the cpus resources attacking each other. Also, never get any anti-virus software through a mirror server unless you absolutly trust the host. (many reputable computer repair shops will post anti-virus downloads on their sites that bypass the questionable third parties that like to tack extra crap or immune trojans to the download). I had all sorts of problems running many of my games with Norton and the problems have since vanished now that every trace of norton is gone from my computer.

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