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I worked for Tandy, (1978-1980)(Radio Shack Research and Development) while

attending UT Arlington and helped develop this color computer and ofc

the good ole TRS-80. It was exciting at that time to being creating

home computers for the general public. The specs sound silly now but

the trs-80 came with 4k of ram and could be upgraded to 16k.

No hard drive, the basic $400 machine used a audio tape deck to record

data and programs (tape deck was extra $$) I designed the floppy drives

that was another add on if you had the big $ to spend.

I remember the day we got the color graphics working on the proto type,

everyone on that floor stopped what they were doing to come and see the first

COLOR home computer.

I have really see some changes in my life when it comes to tech stuff.

I remember saying I will never use one of those mouse thingies...

Can this continue to change at this rate? put your seat belts on folks

things might get crazy.


Read this book in high school, you might find this interesting since it was

written around 1970....


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I remember the TRS-80. We had a couple of them in junior high. Our teachers called them "trash 80s".


I got a Commodore Vic 20 for Christmas 1983 and learned BASIC on it for a class in 8th grade. I played asteroids on that computer all day when I was supposed to be doing my BASIC homework.


Future Shock is what people in auto factories experience when they get laid off at 47 and realize they are utterly useless in the modern workforce.

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gravedigger I hope it was not Waco where you grew up ---hehehehe


and yes the TRS-80 was lovingly called the trash80 .. the model one TRS80


could wipe out TV reception for a half mile radius .. FCC stopped


production of that one.

Edited by JohnWayne
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gravedigger I hope it was not Waco where you grew up ---hehehehe


and yes the TRS-80 was lovingly called the trash80 .. the model one TRS80


could wipe out TV reception for a half mile radius .. FCC stopped


production of that one.

i grew up in Tyler but have lived in Dallas, Houston, College Station, Austin and a few others.

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lots of Roses, Tyler is a great small town, wooo close one, glad it wasn't Waco hehehe


I lived in Waco for five years, my job powerplayed me into covering that area and it was


during the time of the Branch Davidians and the big showdown.

(that was a black eye for America)


My work took me all over the country but mostly Texas.

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