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Some of my jumps


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Because too many people have asked, and I've procrastinated on my tutorial for too long, I'll give a quick vid showing some of the jumps I know/use for the maps currently on rotation. Some aren't that useful, some are for lolz, others for just showing off, but some are damn useful shit for getting the drop on someone. I could have shown more, but I either forgot, or didn't want to load my performance config for better jumping. But anyways, here's the vid, it has the name of the map that you'd have to input into the /devmap command to practice them offline should you care to (example: /devmap mp_crash).


Or you just know now what I'm doing, where I'm killing you from, or where to look for me.





Also music because just looking at jumps can get boring.


And fyi, the jump from the fridge to the top of the arch on Crash can allow you to wall abuse (leaning through the wall to see through it), so I don't advise you doing that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:blink: I think my on-line character must be too fat and out of shape {Kinda like me :)} to do that crash_mp jump from the ladder to the 2nd story A/C and rooftop that is otherwise inaccessible in the back of the map area, for the life of me I don't see how the heck you did that one, I've tried for hours and keep falling. :( I was able to do the ones from the overgrown_mp though! :yahoo

Edited by LA_Kings_Fan
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I could show more, as I learn more everytime I play. There are a few for crash that I haven't shown because they take a long time for me to get right, or require a different config, and a few for other maps that I just learned or forgot to show.



And some possible reasons why you might not be making it LA is because you either a. aren't strafe jumping, or b. don't have your fps set to a sweet spot (125, 250 are the two common ones)

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And some possible reasons why you might not be making it LA is because you either a. aren't strafe jumping, or b. don't have your fps set to a sweet spot (125, 250 are the two common ones)


I guess I'm clueless ... where's the FPS (assuming you mean Frames Per Second) adjustment in the COD4 settings ? because I don't see it :huh:

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I'm pretty sure you can't adjust your FPS directly through the CoD4 options, but you can do things to tweak/adjust your settings for improved performance.


Iunno if you saw the thread about this, but one thing you can do (if you have a PC)is open up the task manager (ctrl+alt+del, go to the "Programs" tab, right click iw3mp.exe, and set priority to high. This'll work with any program to increase its performance.


Hope I helped :)

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Well color me SHOCKED ... I figured out the COD4 default is 80 FPS, and didn't know it was holding me back all this time ... so know wonder I was so BAD :rolleyes: ... got it up to usually 130+ now, SO WATCH OUT THERE'S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN ! :yahoo

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