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Pic of the Day 24.03.11


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My list :D (I'm going to hell!)


lesbian - Half of one anyways, +.50

Drunkard - I drink more than men +1.50

Money-Lover - +1

Evolutionist - I strongly believe in Squirtles ability to become Wortortle & Blastoise. +1

Porn-Lover - +1

Fornicator - Is this +1 for each person? Oh shit... uhhh.... I'll keep this number private, kthx :)

Masturbator - +1

Sports Fan - +1 , Jesus...REALLY?! Why the hell is this here?

Blasphemy - +1 ^Whoops....


16 total, holy poop sauce... See you all at the party..... :/






And yes, lesbians = homosexual... they are just ignorant and thing homosexual = man only. Durp.

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Pleeaasse! People are such noobs for believing God exists (oh snap, forgot I had a tattoo saying "God's coming, look busy")

My name's darkfang77 btw, but when you register me in hell, can you make it under I.P. Freely? (damn, done it again)


before I go to Hell, can I enjoy my final moments, stealing a pot of weed from my favourite evolutionist, whilst riding my broomstick with the words (no charge) on my back flying over a baseball match with a bunch of psychic, gambling, homosexuals who mysteriously win every game at poker (I said OMFGZ btw).


When I land, I go home with my homie club (Pagans united), who are also in the same line of work as I am...


AHAHAH! I'm not finished! One more thing..


I'd also like to masturbate (while I'm drunk) over some lesbians, while my homies take some kids who aren't theirs into their secret cave.


Check all!


Pff, who believes in hell anyway?


See you there!

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