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Posted (edited)

@ ohurcool


I didn't respond to what you said because you completely misinterpret what I've posted, in which I find it a kind of immature attacking post. You think I accuse just any random person when in fact I go through a lot of speculation before I say anything. Yes I don't have proof because the proof doesn't exist. You can't 100% prove with hard evidence that somebody is private botting until they f*** up too bad. See the thing is I have a keen eye to noticing the slight details about how good players achieve their great shots, and I can notice it in a matter of seconds to minutes. If I think something is automated (this doesn't mean too perfect or good of a shot) but rather following the same height patterns of the hitbox and not the model from which the eye trains to aim at, I will continue watching. It is not of one event that I accuse these players of cheating, it is through a course of hours of footage and analyzing their gameplay from the way they control their aim, to target selection, map awareness, team awareness, style of how to play each class, ways to infiltrate crossfires etc. I literally look at every thing about how they play the game and try and put myself into their shoes and say OK, is this achievable with the amount of knowledge you can gain from this match. Through years of watching people play, I find that it has helped me become a better player, and have the ability to recognize potential in skill, the stupid players with shots, and those who are considered fishy. I've caught many players who secretly hacked for years in which 99 percent the community felt they were clean, so you say I accuse them, but if I was right in the first place and you were wrong, whats that make you?


Chuck4abuck for example, how many idiots thought he was clean and defended him when it was so obvious and clear to me that he was hacking for over 2 years!!! I was called all kinds of shit and considered a fool for accusing him but guess what I was right from the beginning with only seconds to minutes of specing him in 08. Call me a fool idc, I have years of experience and a much finer tuned eye than most this community when it comes to shit like this and I'm usually right. It's not my job to bring proof because for me to obtain that, I would have to hack into his computer and pull the f***ing files out for you. Or let them do the work and f*** up in a demo or anti-cheat system. Instead I will voice my opinion in which used to be respected by anti-cheat admins helping them catch many asshat cheaters. If people are not aware of the situation then who is to stop them from hacking for years.


Also you say I'm trash in which I will admit to being a lot worse in et-pro now than I used to be. Reason- I cant get shit for hit registration on the mod, I aim directly at people and shit wont hit, nothing I can do when the enemy can land every shot just fine. Also so many settings are changed and the style of game has changed to become just push out kill out spam.


Alot of these guys who play pro I shit on them in pub so call me trash in pro, but call me pro in pub, wheres the skill matter honestly? My teamwork is still better than most the NA community even if I can't land good registration as a shooter in et-pro, so some times I am a better asset to the team than say the guy bringing forth good damage. That is something I do not expect 07 and later players to understand because every f***ing scrim is about who gets top damage and gibs when we all know backrage and rambo's win that every time and I play with my team not around them...


I honestly don't care what others think of me, it's the intrawebz, but if your going to call me trash, how about you be better than me, cause if I recall I always outshoot you and I'm pretty sure I've never talked shit or shown aggression to you, so dunno what's up your ass.


edit: I don't ride on parker's train, we tell each other were bad almost every day. We have the biggest arguments but also have in depth conversations that are constructive within minutes of each other. I will point out his flaws daily but I will also commend him on the shit he does right that doesn't mean I'm all aboard on the Parker train. He's a nice guy but I'm not the one putting him on a pedistool.

Edited by Raider-
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  • Clan Friend

after reading all those walls of text from Raider, I'd like to say a couple of things:


1. euro configs don't disable antilag, actually, antilag on etpro can't even be disabled, since (according to Bani), even if you set g_antilag to 0 (and in euro configs I see no trace of that cvar or anything related to antilag) when the client has b_antilag 1 he still gets antilagged, so it's a totally made up story.


2. about nade hitsounds, afaik it's been disabled in etpro, there is no cvar to enable them again (correct me if I am wrong) and so it's a decision made by etpro coders. Nothing to do with 'euro configs'. And maybe I am dumb, but I don't know how on earth a single explosion could generate multiple, discernable, hitsounds.


3. hitboxes in the latest etpro are better than all the previous versions, and there is no hack around which can make you unhittable since hitboxes are calculated by the server and not the client, and you can't move them in any way. If you don't hit a player in a position, you wouldn't hit nobody else in the same position, provided that it's possible to reach the same position twice in a game (imho not even if you played 1000 years you could reach again the same position, with the same coordinates and angles up to the last digit). If you play in europe with a high ping it's obvious that if you are under fire you will have more prediction errors than a low pinger, so maybe that's the reason why you don't hit.


4. prone delay was made for a reason. tell me how proning in all fights can improve gameplay.


5. I don't know how you (and anyone for that matter) can say that pb is better than slac, when it's worse in every aspect (it lags, and it doesn't even catch cheaters anymore, only those retarded guys with detected ones)



in other words I see just a lot of nostalgia for obsolete mods and a lot of misconceptions

Posted (edited)

nothing's up my ass, it's just annoying to see you spew this nonsense as if it is all factual... do you really expect everyone here to simply bow down and believe every word you say? Everyone in etpro knows rockstar doesn't hack, and everyone in NA whose opinion matters knows neither rockstar or sandbag hack. Make a journal on crossfire saying rockstar is a hacker and see what responses you get :)


common is exactly the same as you, lol. he thinks phyzic hacks and was asking opiate's opinion on it on irc LOL


you've always been a huge whiner, crying about unhit or lag during our scrims.. you even had kate/peaches ring for you once, and she told me all about your bitching on her because she was "not a teamplayer" and about how high-pitched your voice got teehee


everyone says the same thing... "I used to play long ago, I was good, nowadays I can't play because of _____".

I just don't understand how people can be so "good" years ago, but suck nowadays. :s


also stop using "whom" so much, it doesn't make you look smarter, especially when most of the time you use it incorrectly


anyway, I don't really care anymore, since everyone knows who is right and who is wrong.. keep believing what you wish to believe :)


once again, why does it always come back to me? Don't hate, just because I have people who like to come chill with me :P I still have a little skill left.

nothing against you bro :P just trying to make a point

Edited by ohurcool

1) It is quite obvious you 2 never played competition from 03-06 because you obviously don't understand what ET was in it's prime. PB never lagged, There wasn't a 1/10th of the private hack coders selling shit to people as now, and competition didn't have to limit settings because people didn't go out of their way to abuse them as to the extent they do now. I guess you could say the people of then were better ethical people than now, because it seemed the average age of the gamer was older because now days everyone I hear on ventrilo is under the age of 20. Back then most the people I played with were well above my age at around 25-35 in which vent was much more mature, people played smarter, and people didn't try and hack to claim their fame. 99.9 percent the people I watched had legit looking shots as I cannot say that now days.


2) Let's compare PB to slac... PB has caught over 50,000 Slac has caught 100 or so with half the list being repeat offenders. PB never lagged until hackers spent 6+ years developing ways to attack pb, and pb only got worse when cod4 came out and they split it into pb A ,pb B. This was because they were being attacked by the hackers so that they could see programs running on the computer as well as in game. Slac was made by a hacker, who's honestly going to hack something used only on competition servers. The point is if slac is SO GREAT why is it not used on various games instead of a free game from which is hacked the most above CS after COD.


3) If you can't tell the difference of the sound that is made from hitting one from multiple people with an explosive, you may need a hearing check.


4) hitboxes now are so much worse than old days its unbelievable how a game becomes worse over time, ask anyone who played then, there not going to tell you the game is better now. The lag is worse now than it used to be, for some reason more people want to hack more and attack pb to kill the game for pb... ET pro came out months after game was released for .55 and had hitsounds for everything, you cannot tell me that etpro is what disabled all this shit. 2 years ago when we raped the etl competition there were hitsounds, your telling me in the last 2 years et-pro got magical support and changed all its shit for the better? There were hit sounds until euro configs were installed and used on every server. I don't think you played long enough ago when the game was so much better, that is why you defend this shit version of competition. And NA players got worse not better, the best ones quit making most these scrub beta ones look good. Common was once a top rtcw player and came to et on some pretty good teams, and he can't shoot for shit now because he has the same problem as me, the game blows ass now, the hitboxes blow, so much lag, and the f***ing configs have changed to shit.


5) Kate is a horrid player, she is possibly the worst med I've seen in months on pro. Yup last medic up and lets not pick up 3 people next to you, instead lets go run into a room of 3 and try and solo them with our shit shoot ability and have the entire team go down full.... She wouldn't listen to a damn thing on vent nor would she even speak cause she probably has some man voice. Her saying my voice went high pitch.... even if I b*** or yell an some fool, it never comes close to breaking or cracking the high pitch mark, in fact I'm always told I sound southern because of how deep it is, so good try Kate you stupid ****, go rage quit again cause you blow.



6) Ever hear of max packet toggling, or intentional lag spiking to create a warping effect, those are just 2 ways that a program can make you unhitable. In fact the other day my connection to this one server was off the charts which produced the same effect as the intentional lag, except I couldn't choose when I wanted it to happen. Basically when I lagged I would just randomly press W S A D and I would warp all over the place making me impossible to hit and when it stopped I would appear somewhere in room and could destroy them. This was against badliver, anim, bliss, keith, and axcess in which I was putting out the top dmg even with this lag, so you sit there and you tell me there is no way in ET to become unhitable...


7) I'm not trying to get people to instantly believe me that they are hacking, I want people to look at the things I point out, just like the Chuck case. Once people know what to look for, they can make their own mind up. And BTW I talked to so many people seperately about kardon and rockstar and what they think about them. Most the answers I get from experienced gamers from 03-06 era who still play say he is probably cheating but I don't think he always does. He plays this game so much he is probably good, but often when he is raping he looks like a cheater. Now the responses I get from the 07- later era who just scrim say "no he's definitely legit, one the best players in NA". Well first off I'm going to say I do not have the same respect and expectations from someone who started playing comp from 07 and later as from people who played in the first 4 seasons of ET simply because their ideals of this game are so different and they have dramatically less experience. Also they have very few idols that they can look up too, when you see a bunch of people saying oh this player is amazing and the word spreads, and when your first starting this game you are much more willing to believe they are legit because you don't know what to expect, and once you make up your mind, you tend to ignore all the bullshit they do. A lot of people did this back in the day with a guy named S!lo who was an older alpha player that could shoot during seasons 1-2 and well in the middle of the season a PBSS detected his hack and well a lot of people were like WTF I thought he was just good... Rockstar came into play at the end of when NA comp died and well I instantly was like this b*** is hacking his ass off, and I was told I was wrong, naw man he's just good like everyone says today. Well 2 weeks after I called him a hacker, he gets caught... So who's really the idiots, those who can't see and detect the hackers and defend them because they don't know what to look for, or those who can tell the difference in skill and will call the bullshit out publicly. You say I call everyone a hacker but I really don't, I call the same people hackers repeatedly until their caught. I not once called remedy, beavermanA, and serum a hacker when they pubbed with me aliased, because when I watched them I could see the skill in their gameplay, instead I was asked them who they were and said you have to be oldschool rtcw because I can see it in your style. And guess what, they were, I could tell all that by the way they moved, shot and worked together with crossfires on a pub. These guys can out shoot rockstar or kardon any day and at least they went to lans. In fact why didn't rockstar go to lan when other people PAID HIS WAY, he backed out 3 days before it.... REAL SKILL THERE BRO, afraid to play in front of people...

Posted (edited)

why the f*** do i have to math to register? :/


Anyway, i don't hack. That is all.

Edited by sandbag

why the f*** do i have to math to register? :/


Anyway, i don't hack. That is all.

I concur.


why the f*** do i have to math to register? :/


Anyway, i don't hack. That is all.


Ya it's the other 2 that I'm concerned about, Only question I'd like answered is who you really are, because way to many names have been thrown around, but you do live in envy's city :P


Imo I'd rather catch two guys that are said to be NA's best but look like they got hack written all over them when I watch them play. So many things they do that are just unexplainable. You shoulda seen kardon on the panzer server other day, you even would have paused and said ok wtf how. He didnt spam shots he only shot at shit he knew was there but snapping and instantly shooting through 5 trees directly at me behind them without visual sight on me says "caught ya". Seriously one step from spawn and 90 degree turn shot directly at me with his view only showing trees.... Even vodka was like wow I'm starting to believe ya, thats extremely fishy, and he was one the guys defending him.


LOL look at you! so butthurt :DDDDDDDDDDDDD


1 -- invalid, couldn't care less about ET back then, you suck now. :)


2 -- "PB has caught over 50,000 Slac has caught 100 or so".. LOL REALLY? PB has been around for 7ish years, SLAC has been around for about 6 months hahaha good logic you got there! And who is better to code an anti-cheat device than one who knows how to code cheats as well? There's no getting around it, in order to protect against cheats, you must understand how cheats work. :) nice jumping on the bandwagon there btw, OMG CHAPLJA IS HACKER LOL HE IS SELLING HACKS FOR SLAC LOL HACKER LOL CHEAT CODER LOL... seriously, let me explain to you how SLAC works and why it is BETTER and will always be BETTER than PB


SLAC doesn't detect hacks the same way PB does. It tries to guess whether a hack is present. It does not look for a specific cheat but instead tries to determine its presence by finding its tracks. So, it's about guessing whether a hack is used or not. This means that even new hacks could be detected right away, because they behave suspiciously.


^ paraphrased from the words of a skilled cheat coder from a popular hack-selling website :)


4 -- again with the same bullshit as before... "____ was so good, I was so good... BUT THEN HITBOXES CHANGED LOL NOW THERE'S LAG LOL EURO CONFIGS SUCK LOL"


5 -- HAHAHAHA I think I touched a nerve! "so good try Kate you stupid ****, go rage quit again because you blow" LOLOLOL


6 -- ah, more speculation and bandwagon-jumping! max packet toggling is a myth, it doesn't work on etpro :) I'm sure you had most damage, most gibs, highest accuracy, and you planted every dynamite, capped every flag, and took every docs/gold/objective to trans with your eyes closed and sound muted, JUST LIKE BACK IN THE DAY!


7 -- tbh it all just sounds like you're jealous that these "new" people are getting so much attention, while no one cares about what you do/did :'(






Ya it's the other 2 that I'm concerned about, Only question I'd like answered is who you really are, because way to many names have been thrown around, but you do live in envy's city :P


Imo I'd rather catch two guys that are said to be NA's best but look like they got hack written all over them when I watch them play. So many things they do that are just unexplainable. You shoulda seen kardon on the panzer server other day, you even would have paused and said ok wtf how. He didnt spam shots he only shot at shit he knew was there but snapping and instantly shooting through 5 trees directly at me behind them without visual sight on me says "caught ya". Seriously one step from spawn and 90 degree turn shot directly at me with his view only showing trees.... Even vodka was like wow I'm starting to believe ya, thats extremely fishy, and he was one the guys defending him.

I never realized New York City was considered "envy's city." How i can get sandbag city?


Kardon doesnt hack. Rockstar doesn't hack. Maybe you don't understand the concept of slac. Yes, pb busted thousands of cheaters, but how many people busted were playing competitive? Most of them were pubbers that got tired of getting raped on jaymod/nq/etpub servers so they googled enemy territory hacks. Slac has made et comp practically cheat free. Sure, people will find a way to get around it, but slac, unlike pb, is always updating. How many NA players suddenly skilldropped when slac came out, let alone how many quit the game "because it got boring" or "dont have time for it anymore." Slac is the only reason i'm able to even stand a chance in NA comp now. It's not because i suddenly got better overnight, it's because everybody got worse overnight.


On a different note, antilag is enabled in configs. Hitboxes are also fine. If you can't seem to hit anything, then its either your aim or your config. Your cfg plays a large part in how et interacts with your hardware and if you have wrong/bad settings, then it won't let you play to your full potential and will make people seem unhit. Packet toggling does not exist in ET anymore, euro configs force cl_maxpackets to 100. The only way you can packet toggle is if you use a program, and even then its not as glorious as you make it out to be. Have you ever tried playing with someone else using your internet downloaded/torrenting? Yeah it's slightly harder for them to hit you, but it becomes very unplayable. Same concept. Bringing up how you called out hackers who got busted afterwards proves nothing, simply because pb was so easily bypassed. Like i said, NA comp was rampant with hackers, up until slac came out. yet you and many others are still throwing hackusations around like its 08.

  • Clan Friend



well other people answered faster than me :) anyway...


1) I won't comment on this, ofc the more a game is widespread the more hackers you find, and after years more and more hacks come out. Also, about players age, how the heck an old game with crappy graphics should be played by younger players now, rather than when it was out?


2) pb has caught a lot of cheaters because it's been out for more time in more servers. They made pb services to deal with os permissions and not to deal with 'pb hackers' as you say. It lagged less because it wasn't as heavy and it didn't check the same amount of things, thus using less cpu power than now.

'Attacking pb' can never make it lag for other people, you obviously have no clue about this, there is no such thing as 'attacking' pb. Hackers just bypass it in their pc, and that can have no effect whatsoever on yours.

As regards 'programs running on the computer as well as in game' I lold.


3) one from multiple is one thing, well provided that the server sends you multiple events and not one, but you talked about a specific number of people (3), anyway, whatever.


4) First of all, if you talk about hitboxes only, that is a sure proof that you don't know shit about many other things. Things which, by chance, are a much higher factor of 'unhittability'. Hitboxes are fine. It's the bullet trajectory which could benefit from some changes. Given that bullet endpoint is random, if you add that to prediction errors screwing the startpoint, knockback, etc. then asking for 100% accuracy is silly. And yet when I see someone with an aimbot, they make almost only hs even with high pings, which means that if you aim correctly you hit the head.


The fact that hitboxes are worse is the same shit you hear from old (well, since etpro 3.2.6 is extraold now, I should say very old) players, browse etpro forums for plenty of examples. Pity that when etpro coders asked them for demos or more details, they kept it vague, because they had no clue. Whine is whine. Constructive criticism with proofs is another matter, and not so fun.

The same with old rtcw players, they kept saying that rtcw was better, that et is not skilled etc. etc. if someone is shit in et, I bet my nuts that he was so even on rtcw. And maybe they were good only because rtcw antilag was crap so they played without, and who had a good ping had a big advantage, so they wanted to keep that unfair advantage and raged against antilag. Or those players who were used to the old (pre b_realhead) hitboxes, where the headbox was anywhere but on the head, and who were too lazy to learn to aim at the head and cried, etc. etc.


'There were hit sounds until euro configs were installed and used on every server' man, again you have no clue. I have nothing personal against you. Unlike you, I don't make ad hominem accusations I just talk about verifiable facts. Tell me if in etpro 3.2.6 you have nade hitsounds and what is the cvar for enabling them. If there is one, then I'm wrong. Download the latest euro configs, and tell me if there is any cvar there about antilag or nade hitsounds. Facts please.


6) maxpackets are forced to 100. the latest (that is, very old, but apparently not old enough for you) etpro has antiwarp. Never seen anyone warp on etpro as much as they do in other mods. And if you can read, (this is not my language but it's yours, so you should be able to) I said 'you cannot move your hitboxes away from you', and not 'you cannot move in bigger steps than normal'.

As regards 'unhittable' players, it's nice to get lectured by some who has no clue about the way the game engine works, and who has never modded or even cared to read what etpro modders wrote in their forums. But as they say, inscitia mater arrogantiae.

Posted (edited)

wtf? isnt this topic suppose to be bout sbz scrim :thanks

shows hows much admins' care about this section :D

Edited by Mccloud <3

shows hows much admins' care about this section :D


i know rite this topic has changed to NA players fighting ffs keep this thread clean delete this spam shit

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