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is it safe to raise soundmegs to 200mb? I read somwehere that raising it to high could cause problems too?

I reinstalled everything, copied the profile. Sometimes it occurs, sometimes not, More rarely with 160m... Its a bit annoying, but ok.

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2 hours ago, lp24db said:

is it safe to raise soundmegs to 200mb? I read somwehere that raising it to high could cause problems too?

I reinstalled everything, copied the profile. Sometimes it occurs, sometimes not, More rarely with 160m... Its a bit annoying, but ok.


200Mb is fine.  My thumb rule is 256Mb hunk megs and 256Mb now cos i have 32GB RAM. 


Also in Nvidia, I have threaded optimization disabled for ET - That's fks up FPS and Sound for me. 

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strange, when i set soundmegs to 200, et doesnt start
"Sound buffer failed to allocate 0.1 megs"

I try the nvidia settings for today.

thank you @daredevil

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set com_HunkMegs "512"
set com_maxfps "125"
set com_soundmegs "192"
set com_zoneMegs "128"
set com_ignorecrash 1
showdrop 1


This are the settings, I use and i have no issues so far. Reason i have increased hunkmegs is because I was playing around openGL years back from ETL rendering perspective. You can put that to 256. 


PS I am not active ET player but randomly fire up ETL when I have the issue on server. Other then that, I would take advice from active folks who are up-to date on latest ETL versions. 

Posted (edited)

i use 64 for soundmegs . but i dont us etl. so i dont know how etl is but in et the oldest golden rule for hunkmegs  it will only use 192 no matter how high u go it wont use more? has this changed  recently. 

Edited by captnconcrete
Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, captnconcrete said:

i use 64 for soundmegs . but i dont us etl. so i dont know how etl is but in et the oldest golden rule for hunkmegs  it will only use 192 no matter how high u go it wont use more? has this changed  recently. 

there is a map with 512+ hunkmegs needed 😄



On 2/4/2025 at 8:34 AM, daredevil said:
set com_HunkMegs "512"

somehow jaymod doesnt work with higher than 128 hunkmegs..

Edited by Drempa
1 hour ago, Drempa said:

there is a map with 512+ hunkmegs needed 😄



somehow jaymod doesnt work with higher than 128 hunkmegs..

this is what i ve found over the yrs to be true.  and i know some where in forums @daredevil even says this many times.



OK, here is the scoop, on the Hunk, Zone, and Sound Megs.

192 hunk Megs is all ET will use, even if you set it higher.

The Zone and Sound Meg values are both subtracted out of the Hunk Megs, not added to it.

Not surpassing 3/4ths of total memory is easy to figure, 192 is the most memory that ET requires, or will use.

There fore, on a system with 256 Mb of Ram, 192 Hunk Megs, is 3/4ths of the 256.

Systems with more memory would still use 192 Hunk, so on to Sound and zone.

You can use the meminfo command to see the Hunk and Zone usage in the ET console, but Zone is latched, and will only show 24 is used.

If you change this setting in a config file, it will not get changed because the zone Megs are loaded before any config files are run.

To get around this, you can create a short cut, and then add a set command to load the Zone Megs, and Hunk, and Sound as well.

Default settings for Zone and Sound are 24 Megs each, and ET will run with these settings, but those settings were designed for the small RAM of early computers.

The Sound Megs default was set at 24 Mb, and it will work, because ET will remove and reload as needed, but it’s not the best for performance.

To check the sound Megs use the s_info command, and I have found that the best setting for ET Sound Megs, is to set it on about 48 sound Megs, if you use the 22 MHz setting.

We subtract 48 from 192, and that leaves 144 Mb.

Now the Zone is loading Map texture, etc, and please be aware that the higher the quality of graphic settings you use, the more Zone Megs, ET will require.

Also, large servers with 30 to 60 player slots, will also require, more of the left over Hunk, so you may have to play around with the Zone setting, to leave enough Hunk, and remember the Zone has worked, set at 24 Megs, its default setting, for years now.

Therefore, I would recommend 32 to 48 maybe even 64, but it depends on the above variables I mentioned.

So the get the Latched Zone to change, create a short cut, then right click on it, and select properties.

Then in the “Target” text box after ET.exe add this command and put quotation marks surrounding the number value settings, as follows:

"C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe +set com_hunkMegs “192” +set com_zoneMegs “32” +set com_soundMegs “48”

I f you find these settings are slower, then just change them, in the short cut, but a word of advice, only change one setting at a time.

Hope this settles the Hunk, Zone, and Sound Meg issues for all you players out there, so enjoy.

Billdoe :armadillochase:

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