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Short Fuse

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Was sitting in the server watching someone act like a tool the other day (you know, the the teammate who enjoys standing on top of your mortar right after you drop in a shell and then inevitably gib yourself, or the teammate who LOVES standing next to you listening for the sound of your panzer to go off and then either jump in front of the rocket so you blow up or pushing you so either way you miss, yeah, that teammate) and was thinking "since there are no F|A members on to deal with this how about we change the server up so us regulars who can't join the clan yet have a way of dealing with these problems!"


1. Super Shove - Even though it will work both ways, if I shove that turd across the map, it will at least buy me some piece and quiet until he comes back, but I got the satisfaction of getting him out of my hair on my own.

2. Friendly Fire - Ever need health/ammo and that damn bot just run on by you? Wouldn't it feel good to mow his ass down and TAKE it from him? Feels good to me too! "But ShortFuse, then the mean teammate can team-kill you!"

He sure can team-kill you now. What if there was a complaint vote system in place? Too many team kill complaints and you get auto-banned for 2-5 minutes?

3. The Subway ET map - Uggghh! I think I may be the only one who hates this map due to the sheer size of it and lack of bots trying to accomplish objective. Does anyone else tire of this map?

4. Faster Guns - Has anyone ever played on a server where you could empty the clips on sub-machine guns in 2-3 seconds? It's an awesome waste of ammo!



Just thinking outloud ;)

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dunno what you want you want to accomplish with this topic but i agree suckway(subway) sucks :P

if somebody has the knowledge and the time and effort to change some thing on this map by changing the axis second spawn and allied second spawn will be guarented after destroying something,dunno if its possible.

About no.4 come to jay 3 :P

and as for teamkillers,always stay away from noobs and get two good bodies in a fireteam and pwn :D

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If it works both ways then it is not a good solution


Report the player / take screen-shots / take demos and he'll get banned if he continues.


Team killing is discouraged and will only get yourself kicked / banned if you were to do it.


The server auto kicks after a number of team kills and there is a current complaint vote system.


Go to a health and ammo cabinet or pick up ammo from dead bodies, don't expect ammo to come to you just because you need it.


Suggest a better map to replace Subway.


I also recommend jay 3 for you, it has a fast rate of fire and you start with 2 machine guns with full ammo.

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