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What is your strategy?


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Considering the current situation, I don't dare to let my money in the market for a long run. I want to be able to pull it out as as fast as I can. That's why I'm kinda day-trading.


My strategy is based on the Elliott wave principle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliott_wave_principle).


It's very easy to understand. I can't predict if a stocks will go up in the long run but if a stock is crashing (like -5%) and it wasn't near his all time highest you will easily win 1% the day after. BUT you have to watch the value.


For example I bought a stock that was -4%, the day after it was down -1% at the end of the day but before the close, the value oscillated between +1,5 and -0,5% before reaching -1% and I sold it at 1%.


I'm fairly new to the market stock but for now it worked. I don't have enough data but it worked as expected 3 times out of 4, giving me a 3% yield till now.

I will follow this strategy as often as I can but I'm tempted to go for a long run in a near future (if a cure is found for corona).

Edited by Hesis
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My strategy is buy GME and hold. 😛


All kidding aside the majority of investmetns are in S&P500 index funds/etfs. Playing the invest x amount per month for 40 years for retirement.
Then a small amount I use for buying some individual stocks and crypto currencies.

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