About This File
-------Map info--------->
Title: X-factory
File: xfactory.pk3
mapname: X-factory
Author: s7ven ---> #s7ven or #cfet !
Build time: 9 weeks
Map for Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory
Place xfact_b3.pk3 into you "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\" directory.
Gamemodes supported: Objective, stopwatch. LMS not supported
-GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET
-Photoshop CS
-Splash Damage and Activision for the free game!
-D3vi4nt, Killerman, K!ller, Aniki, D3vils, Marcus, Ry4n, Apogee... and a lot of others ET players for Beta Testing et bugs reports!
-All mappers of http://easymapping.free.fr/
-My team and ex teams and their members : fk (#fk.et), KLR, Docters (#Doc.et), GoC (#GoC*et), TFW (#fusion.wolf), FoS, Army...
-Spécial Thanks to D3vi4nt for the tracemap