About This File
Fans of the old school Command and Conquer games rejoice! The Temple of NOD From C&C Tiberian Dawn is playable in ET!
Map time: 20:00
Allied spawn time: 8s
Axis spawn time: 8s
Allies objectives
1. Shut off the front laser defenses at the gate house (red button). Be careful of the Obelisk firing it's laser!
2. Destroy the generator to permanently disable all exterior laser defenses. This will also disable the obelisk from firing.
3. Build side ladders for alternate routes to reach the temple
4. Use dynamite to breach one of the window ceilings.
5. Capture the interior spawn. Interior spawn will permanently be allies if exterior generator is destroyed.
6. Build the command post next to the interior spawn
7. Construct the generator at the far end of the temple
8. With generator built, use the button at the control panel to open the sealed door. (red button under red and green light)
9. Plant dynamite at the rocket fuel tanks to win the map.
Axis objectives:
1. Stop allies from shutting off front laser gate. Beware of Obelisk firing its laser!
2. Build command post
3. Stop allies from destroying the generator
4. Stop allies from breaching the temple
5. Stop the ceiling window from being destroyed
6. Maintain control of forward spawn
7. Stop allies from building generator and opening sealed door. Generator can be destroyed with dynamite or satchel. Door can be closed with red button.
8. Stop allies from destroying rocket fuel tanks.
Known/possible issues:
Possible overlapping spawn points seen in 60 player games.
**I, Cabal am not the map maker for NOD Temple. I am not experienced in map making or conversion from other games.**
I do not know who made the map. I could not find the names of the map maker(s) anywhere.
Edited by papywolf
Explaining that I did not make the map.