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Thank you.

Lets start this from the beginning.


At the start of 2011 I stumble into a beginners jaymod server.

It's wonderful, admins doing their job and maintaining a fun

environment to players to derp around. But the troll inside me

that had developed during puberty, woke up. I started spamming

and harassing other players and admins. The admins took it for a

while, I was surprised, but kept going. Then Joker stopped me.

Got muted several times and even kicked, then I applied.

(Can't remember what I was thinking)

''Nooo way. B!tch at the server, spam a lot, messing with teammates''

Then I realised what I was like, I was like an 9 year old.

I started to change, tried to be better, tried to behave.


My re-apply got denied immediately, didnt wait 3 months.

I actually started to hate the people that I was like just a few months ago.

Spamming vsays, b!tching, moaning, crying all the time.

I helped admins, defused arguments and tried but failed at busting cheaters.

When I did my second re-apply I thought to myself, third time's a charm.

''Wow, seeing ur old application and this new one proves

that you did a 180 turn, looks like you went thru some changes and learned a thing or two.'' Purpish.


''Okay. Extended trial though.'' Krauersaut


At this point I had learned so much from admins, my english had gotten a lot better, I got more patience and, well, more polite.

I was a trial member for about 1,5 years, I got asked many times that

why am I not a full member yet, I always gave the same answer; " They (higher admins) have their reasons and im happy with what I have."


Last autumn I resigned, didnt have time to be active. Now im writing this in a bus going back to army from vacation as man that has to

give his thanks to this amazing community that made him what he is.

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Even though I don't agree with the military, I applaud and thank you for your service and protecting your country.




Military is a little bit different here in finland than in the US, every man has to go to military before he turns 28 years old.

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Hey man. Just like to say sorry bout that shit earlier. I know I was a **** to you. 


Have a great time, man. Whatever you do. Best wishes, RubberDuck.



Holy sh!T... back man and try again, This time maybe if there is someone who supports you in the last step you wanted, Good luck!

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