How a day can turn to shit in about 3 and a half hours
Well everything was going fine until 6:00. I found out that my dog had had a huge chunk of his ear cut out by my moron mother. He needed stitches and so went to the vet. My dog, Jarvis, is now fine but slightly doozy and isn't allowed to scratch at his stitches obviously. So when my step dad got back we went to go collect Jarvis from my Grans where he was kept for a few hours. There I have to sit and listen to some bullshit about a garden centre for 3 hours or so. On the way back my dog was sick on me and the first thing my step dad said was "Did any get on the car?" Now I don't know about you guys but that shows a lack of care in my opinion anyway and a higher priority for the car than me. So we go to pick up my Mum since she was finishing pretty late. There my step dad comments on how Jarvis was sick and blamed it all on me saying it was "The way Jason was holding him" I felt like I was three. I know I'm not an adult yet but you don't have to put me down like that. I'm a human being too! So anyways on the car trip home I remember I needed some stuff washed for tommorow to go to M&D's. I had planned to get it washed and tumble dryed at about 6:00 but thought that going to see my dog was okay was higher on the agenda. So I mention this and I ask "When we get back can I use the washing machine to get some clothes washed for tommorow?" The answer I get is from my mum which was as follows "Oh you should've told me earlier", speaking down to me "I could've got that done for you." I know the message was nice enough but if you heard the tone it was that you would use to adress a todler. So I sit furiously with dog sick on my trousers on the car ride home. I know this is quite pathetic but I almost burst into tears since I am always treated in this manner. I know I should ignore it and the bulk I can handle but this just took the biscuit. Im really sick of this and REALLY want out of this damn house but I have gained shelter in my room from where I am typing at this moment.
So the outcome of today is:
Im totally not prepared for tommorow
I particularly hate my step dad (again)
I now don't particularly feel like doing anything but I wanted to get my feelings out there.
Sorry about the outburst but thats how it is at the moment and I feel that shit is treated better than me.
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