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A variety of Entries from radiomen. Package one includes currently: British

Entries in this blog

Entry 113 - 137

114: Been pulled from the front for a while. Apparently keeping someone on the offensive for a couple years straight is a bad idea. 115: Nothing much to say about today. The sun did what it does, which is take blooming forever to cross the sky. Can't wait until I can Radio again. 116: Snuck into the supplies depot to have a chat with Gus. 117: Was arrested for sneaking into the supply depot, having a trial tomorrow. 118: They found me guilty of trespassing but not of theft (Since I took



Entry 77 - 113 (+ Some extras missed from the last post)

77 - Got a new hobby today, dying. (Not actually death of course, otherwise I wouldn't be able to post these entries). I have a tendency to get shot. Or burned. Or blown up. Luckily Gus is fine. 78 - Sent to hospital after a panzerfaust blew up in my face. They recommend I remove my Lucky Panzerfaust Magnet for some bizarre reason. Declined the offer, wearing it while I heal. 79 - Still in hospital, most injuries don't disappear in a day. 80 - Hospital hit by a panzerfaust, no idea why.



Entry 1 - 76

Entry 1 of diary: I can't remember the first time I took up the radio, 'twas a while from now since. Officers are rather competent and I try to stick with them, like a good radio man! Entry 2: Not much different from entry 1, got shot in the foot when I dropped my rifle though. This is why I don't trust semi-automatic weapons. Entry 3: Got another bad officer today, kept calling Arty on our team. There was a mutiny and he was "reassigned" to other duties. I think they shot him. Entry 4: Re



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