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Reviewing coffee, from the roasting process to the aroma in my mug.

Entries in this blog

Warming up for autumn with Starbucks Italian Roast

Hey guys, here's an update on my blog of coffees just in time for September, when the leaves begin to turn a brilliant orange, the air becomes crisp and it's time to settle back down into the work routine.   Here's the thing though, the other week I ran out of my usual bean of choice, and I didn't really want to drive in the mess of Seattle traffic just to get it, so instead I walked down to my local Starbucks and got a bag of whole bean Italian Roast, knowing it would at least be palatable. T



Java Trading Co: Columbian Supremo + How to make decent hotel coffee

Howdy folks, from the foggy Oregon coast, and I hope you've been doing well.   This entry is a far turn from my first one, which focused on well... high-end coffee. This entry, instead is focusing on budget coffee, or more specifically, the stuff that I am currently "drinking" in my hotel room, while listening to the waves crash upon the shore.   But in all honesty, this stuff is not half bad, especially compared to what I have been drinking. Now that will probably come as a shock to everybo



Kicking Horse: Three Sisters review

This is my first entry into my new blog, reviewing coffee, from the beans to the aroma in my cup. And I am proudly starting with Canada's most popular coffee, Kicking Horse; particularly the Three Sisters blend. This coffee could be perhaps be considered on the pricey side, with most coffee beans selling at anywhere from $4-8 per pound, $12 per pound for the is easily double the average cost. I was however, able to find this in my local supermarket, unlike some coffees which need to be bulk o



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