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Fueldump "Pro" Script III

About This File

In addition to all etpro features and setting of the allied autospawn to the cp at spline 73, this script disables stage 2 of the east depot defenses. Thanks to 2/3Soul for the modified constructible code. Noobs can no longer build the east defenses, stage 2 with this script. Only stage 1 can be built. On the west side, both stages of depot defenses work normally. No more games spoiled by hyperactive noobs. Player clips block all trickjumps into fueldump. 2 axis spawns are enabled in the Axis truck garage. Axis can spawn at Axis CP when CP is built. Allies can spawn at Health and Ammo hut after advancing the tank to the MG nest. Allied spawn at Ammo Hut is disabled after tank blows the main tunnel door. Axis spawn is disabled by blowing up the Axis CP. Bridge stages reduced to one engy bar each for faster build. Allied footpath is reduced to .75 bar for fast build time. This script is experimental!

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