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General Binds - Enemy Territory


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All text in the game can be coloured mostly to make your name stand out

but also any text binds can be coloured too.

To use colour's in text you must first use this symbol ^

this tells the game that the next letter thats used will be a colour code.


Example :


0 = black

1 = Red

2 = Green

3 = Yellow

4 = Blue

5 = Cyan

6 = Purple

7 = White

8 = Orange

9 = Grey

a = Orange (2)

b = Green (2)

c = Purple (2)

d = Blue (2)

e = Purple (2)

f = Blue (3)

g = Yellow (2)

h = Green (3)

i = Red (2)

j = Red (3)

k = Brown

l = Orange (3)

m = Yellow (3)

n = White (2)

o = Yellow (4)

p = Black (2)

q = Red (4)

r = Green (4)

s = Yellow (5)

t = Blue (4)

u = Cyan (2)

v = Purple (3)

w = White (3)

x = Orange (4)

y = Grey (2)

z = White (4)






Binds allow you to attach a command or chat to a certain key. To create a bind you


put it into the console which can be accessed with the `or ~(tilde) key. Once its put in


console your bind becomes permenant until you bind the key to another command.

All commands entered into the console must be started with the \ key, if you dont

use this the game will use the text in the console as chat and it'll show in the chat


example = \bind x "say hi HEADSHOT GUYS!"






To create a bind using regular text we use the say command.

(for example saying hi to your team mates)

bind (key to use for the bind) "say (chat text goes in here)"

bind x "say hi guys" = would say "hi guys" in the chat area

To then add colour to the text we use this

bind x "say ^1hi guys" = will colour the "hi guys" red






To create a bind using voicechat use the vsay command then the voicechat


(for example shouting hi when you enter the server)

bind (key to use for the bind) "vsay (voicechat command goes in here)"

bind x "vsay hi" = would shout "hi!" with the voice chat

Further to this we can change the text that is displayed when the voicechat sounds.

Not ETmain or ETpro.

bind (key to use for the bind) "vsay (voicechat command goes in here) (replacement

text goes in here)"

bind x "vsay hi Hey Hey" = would shout "hi!" in the voice chat and display Hey Hey

in the chat area

bind x "vsay medic ^1Come heal me!" = would shout "Need a medic" in the voice

chat and

display Come heal me! in the chat area






To limit who hears your chat to your own team or fireteam use the vsay_team


(for example shouting for a medic without telling the opposite team your close to


Use vsay for a global message - it will show up in cyan and everyone will hear it.

Example. bind x "vsay onmyway"

Use vsay_team for a team message - it will show up in green and everyone on your

team will hear it.

Example. bind x "vsay_team onmyway"

Use vsay_buddy [class number][number of players]

[vsay string]

- sends a voice chat to the entire team - it will show up in yellow to the recipients.

Example. bind x "vsay_buddy -1 0 needbackup"






This is a complete list of the voicechat commands you can use in your binds

example = bind KP_ENTER "vsay PathCleared"


11 - Path cleared. - PathCleared

12 - The enemy is weakened. - EnemyWeak

13 - All clear. - AllClear

14 - Incoming! - Incoming

15 - Fire in the hole! - FireInTheHole

16 - I'm defending. - OnDefense

17 - I'm attacking. - OnOffense

18 - Taking fire! - TakingFire

19 - Mines cleared. - MinesCleared

10 - Enemy in disguise. - EnemyDisguised

2. Requests.

21 - Medic! - Medic

22 - I need ammo! - NeedAmmo

23 - I need backup! - NeedBackup

24 - We need an engineer! - NeedEngineer

25 - Cover me! - CoverMe

26 - Hold fire! - HoldFire

27 - Where to? - WhereTo

28 - We need Covert Ops! - NeedOps

3. Commands.

31 - Follow me! - FollowMe

32 - Let's go! - LetsGo

33 - Move! - Move

34 - Clear the path! - ClearPath

35 - Defend our objective! - DefendObjective

36 - Disarm the dynamite! - DisarmDynamite

37 - Clear the mines! - ClearMines

38 - Reinforce the offense! - ReinforceOffense

39 - Reinforce the defense! - ReinforceDefense

4. Talk.

41 - Yes! - Affirmative

42 - No! - Negative

43 - Thanks a lot! - Thanks

44 - You're welcome. - Welcome

45 - Sorry! - Sorry

46 - Oops! - Oops

5. Global.

51 - Yes! - Affirmative

52 - No! - Negative

53 - The enemy is weakened. - EnemyWeak

54 - Hi! - Hi

55 - Bye. - Bye

56 - Great shot! - GreatShot

57 - Yeah! - Cheer

581 - Thanks a lot! - Thanks

582 - You're welcome. - Welcome

583 - Oops! - Oops

584 - Sorry! - Sorry

585 - Hold your fire! - HoldFire

586 - Good game! - GoodGame

7. Objectives.

71 - Command acknowledged! - CommandAcknowledged

72 - Command declined! - CommandDeclined

73 - Command completed! - CommandCompleted

74 - Destroy the primary objective! - DestroyPrimary

75 - Destroy the secondary objective! - DestroySecondary

76 - Destroy the construction! - DestroyConstruction

77 - Construction underway! - ConstructionCommencing

78 - Repair the vehicle! - RepairVehicle

79 - Destroy the vehicle! - DestroyVehicle

70 - Escort the vehicle! - EscortVehicle

Bindable statements are not available through quick chat.

I'm a soldier - IamSoldier

I'm a medic - IamMedic

I'm an engineer - IamEngineer

I'm a field ops - IamFieldOps

I'm a covert ops - IamCovertOps

Attack! - FTAttack

Fall back! - FTFallBack

Cover me! - FTCoverMe

Disarm the dynamite! - FTDisarmDynamite

Fall back! - FTFallBack

Soldier, covering fire! - FTCoveringFire

Deploy mortar! - FTMortar

Heal the squad! - FTHealSquad

Heal me! - FTHealMe

Revive team mate! - FTReviveTeamMate

Revive me! - FTReviveMe

Destroy objective! - FTDestroyObjective

Repair objective! - FTRepairObjective

Construct the objective! - FTConstructObjective

Deploy landmines! - FTDeployLandmines

Disarm landmines! - FTDisarmLandmines

Call airstrike! - FTCallAirStrike

Call artillery! - FTCallArtillery

Call mortar barrage! - FTMortarBarrage

Resupply squad! - FTResupplySquad

Resupply me! - FTResupplyMe

Explore area! - FTExploreArea

Explore at co-ordinates! - FTExploreAtCoordinates

Destroy satchel objective! - FTSatchelObjective

Infiltrate! - FTInfiltrate

Go undercover! - FTGoUndercover

Provide sniper cover! - FTProvideSniperCover

Meet at waypoint! - FTMeetWaypoint

Attack waypoint! - FTAttackWaypoint

Defend waypoint - FTDefendWaypoint






shortcuts are available only on shrubbot servers (Shrub, ETpub and Jaymod).

example = bind x "say I have health left, come heal me!!!"


[a] - last person who gave you ammo

[d] - last person who killed you

[h] - last person who gave you health

[k] - last person you killed

[l] - your current location

[n] - your name

[r] - last person who revived you

[p] - teammate you are pointing at

- your health

[w] - weapon you are currently holding

[t] - ammo for current weapon

Edited by Fearless Staff
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