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Here are the few questions which you will need to answer so that we can help you with your ‘lag’ issues.


Let’s start debugging your ‘lag’ issues.


1. Network (Internet)


Provide us your network results from your PC to Server IP. Run the software called winMTR 32/64 bit according to your PC OS. You can download the tool from here:




Note: Run it as admin in Vista and Windows 7.


Post/Upload the output results in HTML or Text format.

Run winMTR for 100, 500 and 1000 packets.



2. Router / Wifi Issue.


If you are using router/modem make sure the firewall is not blocking the ‘packets’. What I normally suggest is port forwarding. If you need help with port forwarding let us know.


3. Internet speed test:


Run the speed test of your internet so we know you don’t have shitty internet.





4. PC Issues.


Give us below information:


Operating System:




Hard drive (IDE, PATA, SATA, etc):

Graphics card:


Your location (country):

ET Version:

Router Name (If you use any):

Which anti virus and firewall you use:



5. Lagometer Screenshots.


Please post 5-6 screenshots of your lagometer.


Please try to give us as much as info you can, so we can help you!

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  • 2 years later...
  • Administrators

Fix Game/Gaming FPS/Network/Hardware lag issue – Tips and Tricks




If game has Punkbuster, update your punkbuster first. In order to clean install your PB follow below steps:



1. Delete old PB installation completely.


Windows XP: Delete the PB folder from the ‘game’ folder.


Windows Vista / 7 : C:\Users\hellreturn\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\ET\


Delete the PB folder from above path. Replace, ‘hellreturn’ with your computer username. So if you are login in your PC with user, ‘Administrator’ then path would be: C:\Users\ Administrator\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\ET\pb\


2. Disable all your anti virus / firewall software’s completely. This step is very important.


3. Now we re install the PB again.

Download: http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/384-punkbuster-setup-for-all-windows-games-v34/


Run this as an admin and update your PB.


Download: http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/401-punkbuster-services/


Run this as an admin and re install your PB services.


Note: PB Services =/= PB. Both are different.







1. Anti virus

Disable all your Anti virus and spyware software’s.

Reason: It will lower your CPU / Hard drive usage. Some anti virus software keeps scanning memory/ hard drive on regular interval. It’s better to shut them off to avoid shuttering while playing game.


2. Firewall

Disable all your Firewalls.

Reason: You are NOT running some super server from your PC. No one will hack your PC while you are playing FPS games. Disabling firewall will make sure all your gaming packets on UDP are not filtered or dropped by firewall software’s.


3. Browser

Close all your IE/FF/Chrome browsers.


4. Download or P2P software.

Don’t download or run P2P software’s while playing multi player games. It increases your ping and if you are running p2p software’s it increases your connection on router which in turn also slows down many router. P2P software’s also increases Hard drive I/O.


5. Port Forwarding

If your router supports Port forwarding which normally all router does, I would suggest doing that.


6. Wifi

Make sure you have no channel interference while you are using wifi and there is no packet loss from your PC to your router.

You can always ping your router IP to make sure. Ex: ping –t







1. Hard drive


Defragment: Always defragment your hard drive at regular intervals to speed your game loading time. There is an option in windows itself to defragment your hard drive. Use that.


You can use this tool to check your HD.



HD I/O is much important when game is loading the map or map is being changed or when you take screenshots or demo. If you are using IDE hard drives then it sucks to be you, to be honest. It’s 21st Century and every one now a days use SATA series hard drive or even SSD.


Never do any hard drive I/O extensive task while playing FPS games.


2. CPU


Close all your process in the background. You at least need P4 to play the game with 60 FPS and decent GPU. Monitor your ‘task manager’, if CPU usage is reaching 100%. If it is, then either you need to shutdown your background process or you need new CPU.


3. GPU


No you can’t play from Laptop for long time because ‘every’ laptop got heating problem. Sure with new laptop with GPU and Quad core CPU, you can play for few hours but once it starts getting HOT, your FPS will start dropping.


You at least need decent 256Mb GPU to play FPS games.


Shuttering issue from nVidia GPU:


Windows 7:

In the control panel -> appearance and personalization, there should be "NVIDIA Control Panel".

Under 3D Settings -> Manage 3D settings -> Program settings, for WolfET, turn "Threaded Optimization" off (in lieu of On or Auto).


4. Temperature


Make sure you are not facing over heating problems. Keep your PC clean and cool.


5. Drivers


Keep your drivers up to date for your PC. ET uses OpenGL so always make sure your graphics card driver are up to date or sometimes if new drivers have bugs use previous release.

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