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Everything posted by Legbar

  1. Legba, its a kind of chicken. I like ET since inception, I like Irony, what better description. BUT .. Terry Pratchett, greatest author that ever lived (imho) made Legba® a great big black cock(rel). Gedit but the book is soooooo......... COOOOOOOL So read the book to see the alias Be good to your selves:)
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVtu31LbDKM
  3. @ Redbaird and Boss .. Thanx Guys!
  4. Hi Hi good people. Feeling slightly embarassed, only slightly though My application to FA is inactive http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/71194-inactiveapplication-for-admin/page-2?do=findComment&comment=634200 I have been trying to get around to more forum activity, but I think I need to be honest, and face reality (not the great ET player but life out side of the computer ). I work most days , it usually ends up 10 hrs with travel time, I have a family, and plenty of things demanding my time. ET is my wind down time, so I just like to play, a) to annoy the good players with a panza, and to laugh at the on going commentary. I enjoy it all, or I log out. I think here is a good place to announce that I will leave my application in INACTIVE mode. Not for any good reason, it's just that I used to be on lots of forums, and I am kinda burnt out, just can't make them compete with everything else. Subsequently, I realise this jeopardises the application, and for good reasons too. So .. sorry, please ignore my application. The embarassing bit was I thought that the Admin on Jay1 might have wanted some regular on to even teams, shuffle, and get rid of bots from time to time. I would'a been happy to help. I think that there isn't any real need for that, so whilst happy to help, I don't really want admin status. I really really hope this doesnt affect other peoples promotions through referrals, because quite a few did try very persuasively to get me to join. I hope they keep their status. As for me, see you on Jay 1 ... and sometimes 2. Happy to chat any time ... but I am slow at typing /m Thanks for the good times, hope there is no hardships as a result . OOooooops!
  5. Legbar <=== yall seed me playing with orrible pings on Jay1. I played ET years ago, then saw it on a forum I was looking at , tried it again , and remembered how much fun it is. Into anything saltwater , diving, fishing, surfing. work in miomedical engineering have poo ping cos my government is bunch of losers! heheeh HI!
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