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:hi bind and unbind

you have to way to bind or unbind your keys

1- from the console while you are in the game

2 - write all binds or unbinds you want to a file called autoexec.CFG and lunch that file when you start your game.


I suggest you to read this cool and easy article about bind or unbind command :


Make tasks easier by making scripts and bind them to any key on your keyboard


Tired of going through all your tools and weapons with your scrollwheel to get that landmine? No more! Find it hard to throw a grenade in the middle of a dogfight? Relax! Let me show you one way to deal with these issues and several others.




When it comes to programming there are a few basic tasks that you need to be able to do: calculation, selection, iteration and of course you need to use variables i.e containers... like in the math you took in school... x = 3 + 4 but also to reassign or recalculate the value x=x+1


Calculation is just 1+1, 2-1, 3*3 (a computer will just do 3+3+3 but very fast) and 4/2 (haven't got a clu how a computer does that one )


Selection is basicly to evaluate if a statement is true or not, and for the result decide what to do.



if 2>1 then do this

else do that


Well.. since 2 is larger than 1 the statement i true and the executer will do "this" and not "that"


Iteration is another word for repeating... to do something x times.




while x < 10

do something


end while


These instructions tells a computer to "do something" 10 times (until x is not less than 10).


Scripting for ET (and other games based on the Quake 3 engine) is even simpler.. you can't use calculation, selection and iteration... all you've got is variables and commands.. so let's hit it.




You have probably used the console in ET already.. if not you can press the button place right under Esc to make it visible. In the conole you can write commands to change values or to make things happen e.g. /disconnect will disconnect you from the server you're currently on and /connect will connect you to the Pripps Blue Server (and it just doesn't get any better than that :-D).


A script (or a batch with another word) is a way to stack several commands and run them all at once (with one single instruction)... If you have a script called myscript.cfg you can execute it by typing /exec myscript.cfg in the console and press enter.


A script should be placed in your etmain-folder, and you can write it in any text editor like notepad.


The bind-command


Now lets look into one command that is very useful... the bind-command. It binds any instruction to a specific key on your keyboard or mouse.


syntax: bind key "connect"

so to make a special pripps key you just have to type bind P "connect"


Please note that there is no slash (/) when you use instructions... that's only when you type them into the console.. if you want to type this one into the console it would be

/bind P "connect


Now if all is correct you could press P on your keyboard and Enemy Territory will connect to one of the best gameserver out there....


Now that you know the simple bind it's time to go to the what I like to call the stacked bind.. to bind several instuctions to one key..

the syntax is the same but you add instructions separate them with ;


syntax: bind key "instruction1; instruction2; instruction3"




/bind p"connect; say Watch out F|A... I'm coming for you"


Now.. let's head over the where the fun begins...


Scripts and variables

Now it's time to get things done...


A variable is a container for values (in this case it values consists of text)


some variables are "ingame" i.e. the game uses them like the variable name that contains your username (try typing /name in the console to see what it contains) and others are custom i.e. user created.


You can set a variable with set variablename "value" and you can execute what's in the variable by typing vstr variable



set mess "say Watch out... I'm coming for you"

bind F11 "vstr mess"; set mess I'm still coming"


Now when you press F11 you will say "Watch out... I'm coming for you", and next time you press F11 you will say "I'm still coming". Get the picture?


This way we can make scripts that we load into variables and the bind any key to execute whatever is in the variable.


My scripts


I made a script to set my weaponsettings... whenever I press my x-button I will return to firearm I used most recently i.e if I hold my pistol and switch to pliers... when I press x I will return to pistol... the same goes for SMG... If I hold SMG and switch to knife x will bring me my SMG: If I'm already holding a firearm I will switch from SMG to Pistol or the other way around..

x x x would mean Pistol SMG Pistol - this is what I call a toggle script.


I also made a tool-script... I use my scrollwheel for this.. down will allways bring weaponslot 5 (pliers for engineer) and up will bring me dynamite or landmines (the one I used most recently) and on the next up it will switch to the other just like the firearm toggle script..


Now because I always know my current (last used) firearm I have also written a Quick grenade script that will switch to grenade wait for a less than a second an return to my current firearm, all I have to do is press fire within that waitingtime (and hold set the delay) and after I release the button the grenade will fly and I will get my current firearm in my hands..


These scripts are linked together so I will post them all in one flow. Check the comments (//) for explaination of every row.


// Unbind the keys I want to rebind - not sure if it is necessary but just in case ;)

unbind 1

unbind 2

unbind 3

unbind 4

unbind 5

unbind 6

unbind 7


unbind MOUSE1


unbind UPARROW


unbind c

unbind r

unbind x

unbind z



// Toggle SMG - Pistol(s)

// Select SMG

set wBank3 "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 0; set currentWeapon vstr wBank3; set altWeapon vstr wBank2"

//Select Pistol(s)

set wBank2 "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 0; set currentWeapon vstr wBank2; set altWeapon vstr wBank3"

// Set current weapon to SMG

set currentWeapon "vstr wBank3"

// Set alternative weapon to pistols

set altWeapon "vstr wBank2"


// Toggle Tools

// Select weapon 6 (dynamite)

set wBank6 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1; set currentTool vstr wBank6; set altTool vstr wBank7"

// Select Weapon 7 (landmine)

set wBank7 "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1; set currentTool vstr wBank7; set altTool vstr wBank6"

// Set currentTool to weapon 6

set currentTool "vstr wBank6"

// Set alternative tool to weapon 7

set altTool "vstr wBank7"


//Quick Grenade

// set the variable quickgrenade... will be executed by key bind further down

set quickgrenade "weaponbank 4; wait 90; wait 120; vstr currentWeapon"


// Rebind the standard weaponkeys to make all the scripts work...

//Select knife and remember last used firearm

bind 1 "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1; set altWeapon vstr currentWeapon; set altTool vstr currentTool"


//Select pistol(s) and set SMG as altWeap

bind 2 "vstr wBank2; set altTool vstr currentTool"


//Select SMG and set pistol(s) as altWeap

bind 3 "vstr wBank3; set altTool vstr currentTool"


//Select grenade and remember last used firearm

bind 4 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1; set altWeapon vstr currentWeapon; set altTool vstr currentTool"


//Select weapon 5 and remember last used firearm

bind 5 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1; set altWeapon vstr currentWeapon; set altTool vstr currentTool"


//Select weapon 6 and remember last used firearm

bind 6 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1; set altWeapon vstr currentWeapon"


//Select weapon 7 and remember last used firearm

bind 7 "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1; set altWeapon vstr currentWeapon"


//Toggle weapon 6-7

bind MWHEELUP "vstr altTool; set altWeapon vstr currentWeapon"


//Select weapon 5 and remember last used weapon and tool

bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1; set altWeapon vstr currentWeapon; set altTool vstr currentTool"


// quickgrenade

// execute the quickgrenade script and remember the last used firearm

bind c "vstr quickgrenade; set altTool vstr currentTool"


// Toggle SMG/Pistol(s) Execute altWeapon script... the tool thing is to remember last used tool.

bind x "vstr altWeapon; set altTool vstr currentTool"


//These binds has nothing to do with the scripts... just inplemented them here to keep all weaponrelated bind in one place (to make it easier to maintain or change... this is something I have learned from my dayjob - keep all code easy to read and understand)


//Use alternative mode (if exists) else reload...

bind z "weapalt"


//Reload weapon

bind r "+reload"


//Toggle next weapon

bind UPARROW "weapnext"


//Toggle previous weapon

bind DOWNARROW "weapprev"


//Fire weapon

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"


// Tell the user that the script has been executed

echo "weaponbinds.cfg executed!"





This concludes my first article on this matter.. If anyone of you want's to add, ask or just tell me how much you hate my guts then send me a PM...


If you're interested I can post more articles about scripting.


Bye for now, and piss off !amazed

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Please Read all the post that help you to understand a lot of thing about binding vsay ot say ...


Key Binding


Q: What is key binding?

A: Is it when you tie certain keystrokes to actions in the game.



There exists 2 types of binds:


1- Binds wich have only TEXT.

2- Binds wich have TEXT and VOICE.



Bind Type 1. TEXT:


If we open console and type this...:


/bind X say Hi to all!

(This will show to all players the message "Hi to all" when u press the key u binded)




/bind X say_team Hi to all!

(This will show to all your TEAM the message "Hi to all" when u press the key u binded)



Bind Type 2. TEXT and VOICE:


If we open the console and type this...:



/bind X vsay Hi Hi to all, mates!

(This will show to all players the message "Hi to all, mates!" while sound the voice "HI" when u press the key u binded)




/bind X vsay_team Hi Hi to all, mates!

(This will show to all ypur TEAM the message "Hi to all, mates!" while sound the voice "HI" when u press the key binded)



So, we have "say" or "vsay" (ALL PLAYERS will Read/Listen it)

and "say_team" or "vsay_team" (ONLY the players in you TEAM will Hear/Listen it).

Example of binded vsay :


/bind X "vsay GoodGame"

/bind X "vsay Hi"

/bind X "vsay Cheer"

/bind X "vsay Bye"

/bind X "vsay Thanks"

/bind X "vsay GreatShot"

/bind X "vsay Oops"

/bind X "vsay_team FireInTheHole"

/bind X "vsay_team HoldYourFire"

/bind X "vsay_team TakingFire"

/bind X "vsay_team AllClear"

/bind X "vsay_team DynamitePlanted"

/bind X "vsay_team DisarmDynamite"

/bind X "vsay_team DynamiteDefused"

/bind X "vsay_team EnemyWeak"

/bind X "vsay_team Incoming"

/bind X "vsay_team DefendObjective"

/bind X "vsay_team ClearPath"

/bind X "vsay_team PathCleared"

/bind X "vsay_team LetsGo"

/bind X "vsay_team Medic"

/bind X "vsay_team NeedAmmo"

/bind X "vsay_team NeedEngineer"

/bind X "vsay_team OnDefense"

/bind X "vsay_team OnOffense"

/bind X "vsay_team NeedBackup"

/bind X "vsay_team FollowMe"

/bind X "vsay_team Sorry"

/bind X "vsay_team Welcome"

/bind X "vsay_team Affirmative"

/bind X "vsay_team Negative"

/bind X "vsay_team IamEngineer"

/bind X "vsay_team IamMedic"

/bind X "vsay_team IamLieutenant"

/bind X "vsay_team IamSoldier"




Shrubbot also has these shortcuts that can be used in your in conjunction with binding keys


[A] - Past person who gave you ammo.

[D] - Last person who killed you.

[H] - Last person who gave you health.

[K] - Last person you killed.

[L] - Your current location. (Coordenates in where u are)

[N] - Your nickname.

[R] - Last person who revived you.

[P] - Teammate you are pointing at.

- Your health (HP).

[W] - Weapon you are currently holding.

[T] - Ammo u have in current weapon.



How to make binds CHANGING the TEXT that appears when we do a VOICE COMMAND and using the Text Shortcuts:


Is simple, we just have to ADD the text we want to appear, at the end of the bind.


For example...:


/bind X vsay_team NeedAmmo I need ammo for my [W], coz i only have [T]

(This will show to players in your team the message "I need ammo for my Thompson, coz i only have 15/0!"


(Depending of wich weapon r u holding and how many amo rest) while sound ze voice "I Need Ammo!" when u press the key you binded)



Other examples...:



/bind X vsay_team Medic Please medic, come to help me, i only have HP!


/bind X vsay_team Incoming Warning guyz! They r coming from [L]


U can make some very cool binds using this Text Shortcuts.


But remember to use correctly the "vsay" and "vsay_team" depending the information u want to say, because if u say it for all, instead for your team... then you will give the enemy some important info.


Also be careful not to use bind keys already used. Its best to set your binding keys up in notepad first, so that your sure not to repeat your keystrokes.

Once you have set them to your satisfaction, go into your game. Pull down the command center by typing Copy and paste your binds.


Here is a list of most common binds, just change the "x" to you're prefered key


/bind X "vsay Y" or /bind X "vsay_team Y"


X is a keyboard key and Y is a term from the list below. This allows you to bind specific voice commands/comments to one key instead of using the menu to navigate to the one you want. Use one of the commands below to get the desired



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srry for the confusion and i see i mite not hav made it clear but i was sayin how 2 bind "vsays only" help plz


u need right this i think

/ bind vsay yes

/ bind vsay hi

that's wat i can tell u :hmm

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u need right this i think

/ bind vsay yes

/ bind vsay hi

that's wat i can tell u :hmm


It don't gonna work you need to put a key here in your example :P


/ bind KEY vsay yes

yea medic is right

like this: /bind (key) vsay (command) (text) :|

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well is there a site 2 find the vsay's at? cuz when u do im a medic the code is iammedic and idk about u but i wood never think that wood b the code at all...so where can u find these things?

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and i know a few of them,for example "/bind key vsay iammedic" and i forgot who told me but he asked me if i had msn?!?! if thats where u get em at tell me how? and i can mak another msn cuz its so annoying and confusing but doesnt matter but thanks med and fbi anyways 4 the concern :thanks

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