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Can some one please help me, I'm making a map :D


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No any trouble friend take your time do other models other decisions to make jumping from one model to another will make understanding a bit easier.


For scripting no worries I am here to help :)

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I don't know if I have to the talent to model the room objects or create them in radiant. I have the statues, but the statues go on posts, and then there's a curved couch, and a bed. These things aren't that difficult to do perhaps, but I can't do it.  I need to do that round thing too with the plant on it. 

If any one thinks they can help, let me know. I'll keep looking for ways to do it, but thus far, I'm having a very difficult time coming up with a way to do it.  I have ideas how I'll do the kalimar statue. But as simple as a curved couch is. I just can't get it right. 

I'm also wondering how I will map or model the statue posts that the statues go onto. 

EDIT: I'm going to try to learn how to 3D model. Wish me luck. 




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You can use a patch mesh with a bevel with end caps or cylinder and import the model and clip it with clip texture in common textures in radiant.


Use shift+s to adjust the bevel or mesh texture while it is selected.


Use V to select verticals and hold shift and mouse drag on the points.


I try to show you in a video maybe you will pick up on it quickly.


I made a chair cause I was being artistic which Im not but I try also tried to cut it out which is time consuming so skip skip lol





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You can use a patch mesh with a bevel with end caps or cylinder and import the model and clip it with clip texture in common textures in radiant.


Use shift+s to adjust the bevel or mesh texture while it is selected.


Use V to select verticals and hold shift and mouse drag on the points.


I try to show you in a video maybe you will pick up on it quickly.


I made a chair cause I was being artistic which Im not but I try also tried to cut it out which is time consuming so skip skip lol



Thanks a million.  Your videos are the greatest. I'm slowly incorporating everything you've shared with me.  I think this will come in handy. Thank you.  Another video to save to my favorites. I love all your uploads. I hope many others have the privilege to watch them as well. 

Edited by laggermcjagger
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Keep in mind that there is no proper lighting or textures yet, but the map is still progressing. I've begun to learn the modeling process in Radiant and 3DS...this will be the wall color, but it's lacking murals at the moment. Having a wrap around mural is a lot of work and I haven't gotten it fully worked out yet. But you can start to see things coming together. Some of the objs here are just there for placement this is not finished. The ceiling is not finished. Of course that will not be the finished ceiling. 


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You can add a light grid to the map and light the whole map with out using textures. Do this in the world spawn or you can create a lightgrid texture and convert to func_static and add the example to the entities properties if not mistaken.


Like so





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This guy I worked for said I have shit for brains and my degree is worthless. So I quit. I'm unemployed again, I'm going no where in life, and fast... I'm thinking about getting a job, any job, even if it only pays 9 an hour. I can't seem to find anything in my field. I'm getting beyond desperate. 

Work on the map continues, but my personal life is less than stellar. 

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The rotating image thing works perfectly. Thanks for showing me that, but I can't see to get a transparent background for my textures. Is there a certain way to prepare my tga file? Should the background be black or should it be transparent in the image file? I might figure it out, but here's what my cfg looks like.

qer_editorimage textures/testmap/lamp.tga  
DeformVertexes autosprite2                                          
surfaceparm nodamage
cull disable
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm alphashadow
surfaceparm metalsteps
surfaceparm pointlight
surfaceparm trans
implicitMask -
   qer_editorimage textures/testmap/lamp.tga
   surfaceparm noimpact
   surfaceparm nonsolid
   surfaceparm trans
      map textures/testmap/lamp.tga
      blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
      alphafunc GE128
map $lightmap
rgbgen identity
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I care about accuracy, so this project is going to take me a while. Some things you jut can't do in radiant. I wanted to avoid models as much as possible. It's going to be hard to try to make the map as accurate as possible while keeping the amount of entities, vertices limited. I can only be so accurate though with a game this old.  B)

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If you get to a point in making the map and you find a problem just send the maps,models,scripts,textures and associated files to me from where you stopped at in a zip file. Either through gdrive or one drive or a similar file sharing web site that you can access. 

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