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     As the topic suggests, I am an old ET player.  See I love ET.  I happened to have it when it began, and had Return to Castle Wolfenstein on my PC and all.  Whatever fine but, the thing is that ET is so perfectly done for what it is and couldn't have a better base model for character and hud design than the ID legacy things, cool.  Half Life totally changed shooters, and without it and its multiplayer spin offs, we wouldn't necessarily have things like the Call of Duty series, or at least these newer games would play differently, possibly not as smooth or less cinematic as it were.  But, and I am getting to the point, ET took the best of Half Life spin offs, ID games, and Unreal, and created the first really bad ass, and big... team/class based war game.  And honestly to me it is still more intense and better than COD.  COD to me actually has become more bland as time has progressed.  And less difficult, and shorter.  Sure Battlefield has its merits, other war games have their merits man.  But they aren't ET. 


     I recently said screw it and downloaded ET again just for shits and giggles.  I obviously was happy to find that other people still love and play that game.  Now over the last month I've sort of gone on a little rampage and downloaded or bought a bunch of other games to try, from Steam or Amazon, whatever, to see if there was in fact another game I could find that could get me to stop playing ET, or play it less.  I'm not done with this quest...  One I need to finally take this things OS past XP Pro, well ok that's pretty much all I have to do other than continuing to purchase these damn things.  I even, cause again as indicated in the title, I've had a very long hiatus from ET, years since I last played, I sort of, because I played this game so damn much, and Rainbow Six, just stopped playing multiplayer online altogether I'm saying, for serial.  I used to play with the F.S.S. clan everyday, at least a few matches, on ET.  And with Rainbow Six, I've been playing them since the first one, still have the first ones...  Was in a clan, the 420 clan, for Rainbow Six Vegas.  I used to bleed ET and Rainbow Six; anyway cause I went off topic, I bought a cheap ass copy of Quake Wars cause I hadn't even played that yet due to my hiatus from multiplayer games.  Sadly as I am sure all of you are aware, even it is still not ET...  I have fun with it and I will totally continue playing it from time to time but I mean come on.  Poop right.  Now I still need to get the last two Counter Strikes, probably will over the next month or so.  And also there is Dirty Bomb which I have yet to play because I'm still running XP Pro.  Shame.  And another shame is what happened to Tribes.  Which I didn't get to play because of the aforementioned previous aversion to multiplayer gaming.  I say it is a shame because this computer runs Ascend like a dream.  I remember when the first Tribes came out, I played a bit of it about fifteen to twenty years ago, shit somewhere in there?  I don't even know whenever it first was out.  Poop again.  I am assuming I will thoroughly enjoy Dirty Bomb once I buy a newer OS.  I am not sure if the two newer Counter Strikes will be able to sway me from still getting on ET either?  Honestly.



     But in the interim, ET it is when I feel like playing a multiplayer war game.  Some of the old tricks work, some don't.  I can still woop some ass as Engi and Sniper so that's cool.  Some stuff is way different man.  I remember when the Jaymod was first released, I thought it was awesome.  On the F.S.S. servers I literally was the first person to figure out that maxed I could go soldier and wield my m97, have my sub machine gun still, and on some servers, my pistols still after that.  Some people started complaining and thought I was cheating and the Admins had to be all, nah man he just figured out that a soldier can do that dude.  But what I was getting at was back then dude you could get eighty, ninety plus artillery kills without even blinking an eye.  It seems as if people have calmed down the power wielded by the Field Ops class quite a bit.  Now a lot of these maps played on the F/A servers, are completely new to me.  I still don't know what to do on some of them. Sometimes I'll just spec on those maps to see some shit so that I know what the hell I'm supposed to do next time they pop up, if I don't get dropped for being inactive. Which I totally get during high volume times but sometimes I really do like to Spec...  However on that note, these maps are way cooler than all the 'new' maps I am accustomed to, being that I stopped playing roughly ten to twelve months after Jaymod hit...  Seriously.  Way better maps then when all that shit was 'new'.


    It is great man, good old ET.  I am just glad people still play this game.  

Edited by Monkey_Dunfee
  • Like 6

many many people still play this game dude! welcome back to the real world :D

lots of F|A servers + members and a big happy friendly community :D

  • Like 1

Welcome back!:)


It's common to take some time off, but usually you can't completely stop playing ET :D


Welcome back cya around the servers

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