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Full trailers for Walking Dead S6 and Fear the Walking Dead S1

Night Hunter

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If the season 5 finale of The Walking Dead had you on tenterhooks, then feast your eyes on this preview double whammy. After debuting earlier today at San Diego Comic-Con, AMC has posted the latest trailers for both of its zombie series online; The Walking Dead and its prequel-companion show Fear The Walking Dead.
The last time we visited Rick's gang of survivors, their cosy set-up at Alexandria was thrown into question as Sheriff Grimes plugged a resident full of lead. It's not the first time Rick's had blood on his hands -- and by the looks of things, it won't be the last. His bloodied-face accompanies a slew of references to a new threat, swirled throughout the trailer. More walkers? Or something worse? 
Turning now from the action-packed, gore-soaked trials of TWD to its sister show, where the harrowed faces are switched out for remarkably rested ones. Which is no surprise as Fear The Walking Dead begins right as the virus takes hold across the country in Los Angeles. A small group, led by Kim Dickens and Cliff Curtis, come together to figure out exactly why people aren't staying still when they're shot to bits.
It might hail from the same creative team, yet the stylistic and thematic approach strikes out on its own. As the cast and crew outlined during the SDCC panel, the emphasis is on family drama - not the incessant threat of becoming a snack. That grisly predicament will of course make itself known to the Californians over time...
The Walking Dead returns for a 90-minute season premiere on October 11. Fear The Walking Dead debuts on August 23.
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