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Why Just Cause 3 is all about that destruction

Night Hunter

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Why Just Cause 3 is all about that destruction, as explained by Avalanche




Ever since Rico Rodriguez and the open-world sandbox of the Just Cause series exploded into our disc drives in 2009, it's been upping the ante with the kind of action that would make even the cast of The Expendables reach for their bus passes. So it's no surprise the latest entry, Just Cause 3, is looking to fire said ante into the stratosphere (just check out its explosive debut trailer for proof of that).
In the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, senior technical designer at Avalanche Studios Andreas Bodbacka explains that the franchise's love for destruction is all about giving agency back to the player. "We wanted destruction to be more physics-driven and more like a fun toybox that can be used as part of the gameplay," says Bodbacka. "More than looking pretty and going boom, if you tether things correctly you can use them defensively or create cascading destruction – destroying an entire base just by pulling one tether. That wasn’t possible before, but improvements in technology let you do this stuff."
But for Bodbacka and the team at Avalanche, all that violent experimentation (and general sandbox heroism/bastardry) is more just for show - it's about creating a truly cinematic experience. "Finding that sweet spot between cool  and realistic is difficult. It’s really about creating drama in destruction," adds Bodbacka. "If you shoot one thing and it goes boom, you can do it a couple of times and know it’ll go boom – and soon it’s not so much fun. But if you attach it to a helicopter or shoot its supports and they crumble and it begins to roll away... well, you’re now directing all that destruction. You’re Michael Bay."
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