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Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Spotted on Brazilian Game Rating Site

Night Hunter

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Last month we heard rumors that a remastered version of Gears of War was in development and now we might have an official title for the game.
Classificação Indicativa, the Brazilian rating body, has listed a game called Gears of War: Ultimate Edition with the release date of 2015.
The same rating body also listed something called Dishonored Definitive Edition, which also has a release date of 2015.
Given the recent rumors, a Gears of War remastered for Xbox One seems likely, even if the Brazilian listing is inaccurate. We haven't heard the same rumors about Dishonored, though a remaster that includes all of the game's DLC certainly sounds plausible.
Last month, sources told Polygon that the Xbox One version of Gears of War features better lighting and improved texture quality. The publication adds that multiplayer runs at 60fps. In addition, the Gears of War HD Remaster will reportedly feature new cinematics.
Another source told Polygon that Splash Damage, the UK-based independent studio behind games like Brink and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, is handling development on the Gears of War HD remaster. Multiple job postings at the developer reference that the studio is currently working on a "very well known and highly popular AAA title with next gen technology."
Microsoft acquired the Gears of War franchise from Epic Games last year, putting its internal team Black Tusk Studios to work on a new entry in the action-shooter series for Xbox One. That project is separate from the reported remaster.
As for when Microsoft may officially announce the Gears of War HD Remaster, and maybe Black Tusk's new project, producer Rod Fergusson previously teased that fans should tune in to E3 in June. For its part, Microsoft has said its E3 presentation this year will focus on first-party games.
Microsoft has not offered any kind of statement whatsoever regarding the project.


Source http://www.gamespot.com/

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