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Hi guys


As most of you know in game I always have a ping at best of around 310. This is not ideal as it leads to lag etc. I also find it impossible sometimes to use short weapons in close combat as I am about 1 sec behind everyone else, which is kinda frustrating, hence I have to use the longer range weapons a lot and have some stand off.


A lot of the problem is my location, Bangkok, which I understand is probably the main problem. My FPS seems ok most of the time around 110-125 (set fps at max 125).


I hear the yitch 3 confit can help with ping, however I have no idea what to do with this or how to install etc. probably need to read the instructions. Anyhow,


Has anyone got any tips that might help. I have pretty much tried all things i have found on here and other websites, except yitch 3.


Any help would be great guys.


My computer, is quite old, but I had the same problem on a much newer computer not so long ago, with the same ping etc.

5 answers to this question

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Your problem is probably more one of distance than hardware :)

I'm assuming ~300 is a steady ping, so it's not that your lagging it's just that your packets take longer to reach the server than someone from the EU, or from in America itself :)

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What Heretic said. No matter what config, nothing will help you except moving to US to get better pings :P


When I was in US i was getting pings in the range of 40-70 that used to stay stable. Now I get pings in the range of 250-270 that stay stable. So as long as your ping is stable, you are good. 

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I might also add that finding a VPS in your county and using that as a proxy might help lower your ping as the amount of hops should be reduced, but it's only a possibility and normally something for the more tech-minded among us lol

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Thanks guys, I was seeing if I had overlooked anything, or if someone knew of something. I agree the distance is the problem. Yes it pretty much stable for the most part with the odd spike here and there, however I think is is due in most part to the internet not being as stable here as say in EU or the US.


May have a look at a VPS. 


It was worth a shot. Again guys many thanks

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you can use a program called WTFast, which uses a 3rd party, but let's you connect from different location. I tried this with Wolfenstein and got my ping reduced from 150 to 90. I haven't used this program for years thou. And since it is a 3rd party and all that stuff, it is on your own risk. 



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