Haru Posted August 10, 2014 Posted August 10, 2014 When your not gaming what do you do to keep your hands busy? (Don't say porn) Lets see any and all projects you have going on from PC mods to full car restorations. I'll kick it off with a current picture of my garage where my brother and myself are just getting started doing some routine maintenance and a few upgrades to our other brothers VANS RV-4. He's stationed overseas for the next year and found some suckers to work on his plane for free. Hopefully we'll have it back flying in time to log a few hours before he returns. In the background is my 1996 Nissan 240sx that I'm currently spending way too much money and time on. More pics of both projects, plus a few others, in later posts. Quote
Elf Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 My friends just fixed up their Plymouth 1970 - I think that is the year! 3 Quote
Tsort Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Volvo 944 to enjoy the winter and snow we get. 2.3l 133bhp oldschool killa https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10885244_954891084539434_4167757750965770964_n.jpg?oh=a7243c3faa3fdab09203d69d52370daa&oe=55631C1E&__gda__=1432118132_78bf24ed854e31ba481eb931a36b0f10 Quote
Dak Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 A friend is building a cabin on his trapline, 15 miles from the nearest road through 5 feet of snow. This is the lumber we are taking with us. I offered to build a sled for him to pull behind the skidoos to transport the lumber. Here are a few construction photos, please disregard the messy garage. 1 Quote
Kevlar Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 Those are some nice looking welds Dak! - Aluminum is a b***. It looks more than capable of pulling the load. That's a really nice looking lathe in the background... Quote
Dak Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 Thanks Kevlar, some of the welds are pretty sloppy but I try not to take pictures of those! The lathe came in handy for my other project, http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/45017-cool-water-feature/ Will be posting videos of it in action soon but here is a preview: Quote
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