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TV Movie "Bonnie and Clyde"

Ol Smoke

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What a farce.  Worse than the original movie with Beatty.


The part where they crashed the car into the creekbed was totally made up.

They actually ran through the woods until they came to a guy plowing his field on a tractor.  He took them up to his

house where they got the keys to his car and drove off.


The worse mistake in this movie was the final shoot-out.  The car was on the wrong side of the road and facing the wrong direction.

Actually Mr. Methvin's truck was in front of their car and he had removed a tire.  That is why they stopped.  According to actual events

he never turned them in, until they were returning from Louisiana.  It wasn't Hamer that got the message either.  It was a local Sherriff


All of the dialogue was made up from stories from their families.  The families had a real hate for the original movie because it showed

Bonnie as a low dive whore and Clyde as a homosexual or un-sexual man.


The best story about B & C came from the diaries of Buck's wife  Blanche.  So, if you want to read more of the truth, read her stuff.  LIfe

on the road with B & C was not pleasant.  After the first two deaths they caused, they lost their humanity toward killing, and figured if they

were caught, they could only kill them once.


The movie failed to tell how they came across all the weapons they had when they died.  You can read that online.


I have shot a BAR before and it doesn't shoot like the one in this movie.  It is slower and kicks harder than hell.  It weighs about 12 pounds.

It only had a clip for 20 rounds.  It shoots a standard .30/06 round.


The one thing I had trouble with in this movie is the lead male actor.  Emile Hirsch.  Is he trying to be a copy of Leonardo DeCaprio?  He actually

copied several of Leo's facial expressions in this movie.  The character of Clyde should have been a very slight built man with a rough face from

sun and hard farm work.  Not a pretty boy.  They also made it out that Buck was a good guy and got in trouble because of Clyde.  Not true.

Buck was a delinquent from way back and was despised by the town.


The one thing they did get true in the movie was Clyde's ESP.  He did have that.  He could feel when things weren't right and that is how he

got away from the law so many times.  They never could figure out how he knew when to run.  And he could drive and he could shoot.

They came right through the town I was born in and got gas and some sandwiches.  I used to have a picture of the gas station but it has long



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