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New graphics card and Power Supply


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SLI/Crossfire is still not optimized for highest-end game settings.This is partly due to hyper-threading in CPUs but mostly due to GPU software and how it responds with your system, especially when you are overclocking.


Like S3ti said, double the heat and double the power consumption in dual SLI is not as good a single more powerfull card IMO as well. This is why the GeForce TITAN has 6GB while the GeForce 780 has only 3GB - and yet the 780 performs slightly worse overall at half the cost...LOL!


The 760 is an entry level GPUs that can play newest games, albeit, to somwewhat medium settings with low value AA and resolution. The 770 can play all newest games at quite high settings but still would struggle with high AA and ultra high resolution on games like Crysis, Metro:Last Light, Bioshock: Infinite. While with the 780 you can basically crank things up to max as long as your system is well made (i.e. good cooling, enough PSU and high end CPU).


And I agree with S3ti that it basically depends on how much you are willing to spend.

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