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Dual Boot Issues with Ubuntu


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Ok so I do not really even know where to begin, but I tried to do an install of Ubuntu 9*1 from a simple installer that uses an install wizard from Windows 7 and creates a partition and sets up Ubuntu.. Ok well that was all fine and dandy and it did what it was supposed to do. I log into my Ubuntu and everything seems to work fine, however if I go into Windows 7 it appears as if it is in Windows "classic" mode and nothing works. I figure that the drivers are not being seem so I go into Devices and Drivers and there are no errors and it shows all my drivers as there. I tried reinstalling drivers that were already there but that did not work. The only way I could fix it was to do a backup of my files from a few days ago, however that just takes my Ubuntu away.. :(


I have to run some kind of Linux distro for school and I am not the most advanced user so any help would be great. I was told Ubuntu is the most user friendly if you will, but if there is a better one let me know. I just need Linux and 7 working side by side..


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i believe u used WUBI , right?

if so, i recommend that u search ubuntu jaunty thats 9.04

cuz atm 9.10 is having a lot of shit


also if u didnt use wubi,

use it!


go google wubi, download it

google ubuntu jaunty 9.04 32bits

put the wubi.exe in same folder ad the 9.04 ubuntu ISO and run wubi.

then u shouldnt have any problem with win7,

i done that and doen without probs.

let me kno.

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if u used the latest wubi , it will download u the Ubuntu karmic koala 9.10 64 bits..

which is shit and full of bugs, thats probably the problem, the dual boot system it uses is way bugges and may not be compatible with win7,.

on the 32bits it uses a prior dual boot system (grub) which works on win7,---cuz am using it!

u should:

goole download ubuntu 9.04 32 bits

put it:

in same folder as wubi.exe.

and let it do the rest.

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if u used the latest wubi , it will download u the Ubuntu karmic koala 9.10 64 bits..

which is shit and full of bugs, thats probably the problem, the dual boot system it uses is way bugges and may not be compatible with win7,.

on the 32bits it uses a prior dual boot system (grub) which works on win7,---cuz am using it!

u should:

goole download ubuntu 9.04 32 bits

put it:

in same folder as wubi.exe.

and let it do the rest.


I tried that.. Same thing only this time back in Windows when I click on Crysis, it just goes to load then stops.. It keeps f***ing things up for me.. GRRrrrRRr.. Also now my printer does not work now lol.. I am going to back up to yesterdays settings again and see if I cant figure out what exactly it is doing. It almost appears as if it goes to Partition A, seeks out drivers and then steals them, not leaving them on the Windows OS.. If this is the case, I should be able to just reinstall drivers on 7 after I do all this. I just was hoping not to have to do that.. It is a pain in the ass.


I must say though, Nix is WAY the f*** better than Windows so far. It is very new to me and nothing is the same, so I am goofing around seeing what I can and cant do. My professor assumes we all know how to use Nix so I have gotten very little help from her.


I tried that.. Same thing only this time back in Windows when I click on Crysis, it just goes to load then stops.. It keeps f***ing things up for me.. GRRrrrRRr.. Also now my printer does not work now lol.. I am going to back up to yesterdays settings again and see if I cant figure out what exactly it is doing. It almost appears as if it goes to Partition A, seeks out drivers and then steals them, not leaving them on the Windows OS.. If this is the case, I should be able to just reinstall drivers on 7 after I do all this. I just was hoping not to have to do that.. It is a pain in the ass.


I must say though, Nix is WAY the f*** better than Windows so far. It is very new to me and nothing is the same, so I am goofing around seeing what I can and cant do. My professor assumes we all know how to use Nix so I have gotten very little help from her.



Scratch that.. I just went to Jaunty Jackalope and discovered I am downloading the Intel 64 bit version.. I looked all over but to no avail for the 32bit OS.. Perhaps a link please?? :thanks

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damn, i been also searching the 32bits version and dont find it,

i have teh ISO right here in a folder, is there anywhere , where i could upload it ?

its like 700 mb

i think nrgy has some rapidshare account let me contact him and i will upload it on hi account :D


I found the ISO for he 32 bit install.. I have yet to tackle it, I need a slot of time where I have at least 3 hours to fuss with it.

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if u used the latest wubi , it will download u the Ubuntu karmic koala 9.10 64 bits..

which is shit and full of bugs, thats probably the problem, the dual boot system it uses is way bugges and may not be compatible with win7,.

on the 32bits it uses a prior dual boot system (grub) which works on win7,---cuz am using it!

u should:

goole download ubuntu 9.04 32 bits

put it:

in same folder as wubi.exe.

and let it do the rest.


Why not just rewrite the grub rather then re installing whole OS? For me 9.10 32 bit works fine. Never looked into 64 bit much. May be grub2 is causing the issue with windows 7? Try some different boot loader then.


@Wonder no you don't need to boot windows in safe mode. But from what you described it looks like you are booting in safe mode.





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Why not just rewrite the grub rather then re installing whole OS? For me 9.10 32 bit works fine. Never looked into 64 bit much. May be grub2 is causing the issue with windows 7? Try some different boot loader then.


@Wonder no you don't need to boot windows in safe mode. But from what you described it looks like you are booting in safe mode.






I see... I dont think it was in Safemode.. I am about to get this all going now though, so we shall see..

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